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Vaginal discharge while pregnant Young: things you need to know

Does vaginal discharge while pregnant young is a normal thing? In General, increased levels and frequency of vaginal discharge during pregnancy is a normal thing. Increase in estrogen during pregnancy and increased blood flow to the hip area to make the levels and frequency of vaginal discharge increases. Vaginal discharge is a liquid that is produced naturally as a cervical mechanism to make it moist and sealed tightly, also for blocking so that infections that may occur in the area of femininity does not spread to the uterus. At the end of their pregnancy, as the load on the uterus growing, the production of this fluid will also multiply. In addition, white is also the remnants of normal flora and dead cells from the wall area of femininity.

Normal vaginal discharge that is clear or white colored, not accompanied by the smell, and does not cause itching. Whereas if it is discolored or whitish accompanied by certain symptoms, it may be a harbinger of the presence of infection in the area of femininity.

The cause of the onset of vaginal discharge while pregnant Young
Increase in estrogen and hormone changes that occur in the body trigger the onset of vaginal discharge while pregnant young. If the mucus comes out clear colored or white, odorless, and does not cause itching, then this is a normal and healthy condition.

However, a change in vaginal discharge that looks abnormal is a sign of problems in the area of your femininity. Here are the causes of the incidence of vaginal discharge while pregnant young abnormal, where you must immediately consult with Your obstetrician if you have signs and symptoms as mentioned below:

Bacterial vaginosis
Hormonal changes during pregnant can trigger excessive bacterial growth on the area of femininity. This condition can be recognized through several symptoms, including mucus grey vaginal discharge, itching around the area of femininity, and pain when urinating. Signs and symptoms can be recognized most clearly is a fishy smell that arose after the intercourse.

If this condition is left unchecked, these infections can spread and bring negative impact on mothers and babies. The mother may be at risk of suffering from pelvic inflammatory disease. The bacteria that spreads to the uterus will cause premature rupture so amniotic infants born prematurely are at risk. To resolve it, the doctor will prescribe administering antibiotics.

Yeast infection
On the area of femininity, there is a mushroom growing naturally, called Candida albicans. The fungus is commonly found in the area of femininity in very small amounts. Hormonal changes can lead to this fungus grows too much, which is the cause of vaginal discharge while pregnant that young is not normal. A person who is pregnant or will not show the same signs and symptoms when they are exposed to fungal infections.

Signs and symptoms of a yeast infection include itching in the area of femininity, femininity looks redness and soreness, as well as a white-yellowish mucus rotate like soft cheese. Mucus comes out it might smell, maybe not. Most of its victims also feel pain when intercourse and there was a sense the heat of burning when urinating. To resolve it, usually the doctor will prescribe antifungal medication or cream.

Group B Strep (GBS)
GBS bacteria found in 1 of 4 healthy women. In some people, the GBS bacteria can cause serious infection with signs and symptoms that are almost the same as a urinary tract infection (suddenly feel very like to urinate, a sense of heat burning during urination, and urine that is murky). Babies can be infected with GBS bacteria from the mother when the normal delivery process. Therefore, before labor, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to prevent contagion.Sexually transmitted disease
Other causes of vaginal discharge while pregnant young is the presence of a sexually transmitted disease. There are various sexually transmitted diseases which give rise to the characteristic whiteness. On infection of chlamydia, usually a rather smelly vaginal discharge. Premenstrual syndrome cause yellowish mucus. Trichomoniasis cause mucus is yellow-green, frothy, and foul-smelling. Sufferers also experience itching and burning hot during intercourse or urination.

The doctor will usually prescribe antibiotics as treatment. If left untreated, sexually transmitted diseases suffered time pregnant may increase the risk of premature birth and urinary tract infection after childbirth. Some sexually transmitted disease-causing organisms can penetrate the placenta and bring negative impact on the baby. Some of them may also be transmitted to the newborn during childbirth.

Distinguish the Whitish liquid with Other
Besides knowing the cause of vaginal discharge while pregnant that young has been discussed above, you should also be able to distinguish whether the fluid is whitish or other (urine or amniotic water). Urine can be easily distinguished from the colors and smells. In addition, urine usually accidentally come out like when you cough, sneeze, or laugh.

The permeation of urine is something normal occurred during pregnancy. It is because the fetus growing in your womb. The size of an enlarged uterus and memberat it then pressing the bladder, which causes a small amount of urine out accidentally.

But if you feel the permeation of urine is annoying, try doing the Kegel gymnastics in a way to tighten and loosen the muscles around the area of femininity to control Your bladder. In addition, you can also go to the bathroom before you really felt like pee. You have to remember is, do not reduce Your fluid intake, so you are not dehydrated.

In addition to the urine, you should also know the amniotic water characteristics. Unlike urine, amniotic bag once You broke the amniotic water, you will constantly get out. If you are not sure whether it is urine or amniotic water, try using a bandage and lie down for 30 minutes. After that try to stand. If you feel the fluid came out in great numbers when you stand, just maybe it was amniotic water.

Prevent abnormal vaginal discharge
So young when she was pregnant not whiteness develops into an abnormal vaginal discharge, there are steps that can be done. The following are some easy ways that you can do to prevent it:

If the mucus comes out quite a lot, use pantyliner to subjugate them (avoid the use tampons while pregnant). However, remember to often-often replace them.
Maintain the cleanliness of the area Your femininity. After urinating or large, flush area femininity from front to back to prevent the spread of bacteria from the anus.
Avoid the use of SOAP, toilet paper, sanitary pads, or strong-scented perfume for taking care of the cleanliness of the female organs.
Avoid vaginal douche usage as it will disturb the balance of normal flora in the area of femininity. Another reason many health workers prohibits the use of vaginal douche is because in a rare case, there are air bubbles that go from the organ of femininity to the bloodstream, leading to serious complications.
Use cotton underwear and not too tight to prevent the buildup of sweat and bacteria in Your feminine area.
Avoid wearing pants too tight of pants or nylon thread.
Immediately replace the swimsuit or sports clothes as soon as you have finished the exercise.
Do not hold your pee. Urine that is stuck too long in the bladder can potentially become the media spread the bacteria.
So articles about vaginal discharge while pregnant young. In principle, a normal vaginal discharge while pregnant is one of the signs of pregnancy that can be seen early on, and you may be just starting to realize about this whiteness around the 13th week in your pregnancy. As soon as you observe the presence of signs and symptoms that are not normal as mentioned above, no need to hesitate to immediately contact Your obstetrician.

Beware of characteristics Following inflamed Tonsils

When you or your heart fruit complained of fever, pain in the throat, and difficulty swallowing food, you will probably wonder if signs and symptoms are characteristic of tonsils that are experiencing inflammation. The tonsils or tonsils are gland in our body that is located at the back of the throat. Tonsils in charge of filtering and capture the germs of the disease before it enters the respiratory tract and cause infections. The tonsils also produce antibodies to fight off infection. Because of its functions, the tonsils become the front line of defense against germs of the disease on children. Then along with the age of the child grew, the tonsils will slowly tasks assigned in other parts of the body.

Tonsils in charge of warding off infection. Nevertheless, the exposure to bacteria and viruses can make tonsils swollen and inflamed, which in the world of medicine is called tonsillitis. The bacteria that cause tonsillitis are generally from a group of streptococcus. Meanwhile, the viruses that cause tonsillitis, among others, influenza virus, rhinovirus, (viruses cause colds), adenoviruses (viruses cause diarrhea), parainfluenza (viral respiratory diseases and causes of pharyngitis or inflammation of the voice box), as well as Eipstein-Barr virus (glandular fever-causing virus).

Tonsils that are experiencing inflammation is common, especially in children. Tonsillitis can arise only occasionally, it can also be a relapse in the frequency with which quite often. Generally, tonsillitis is caused by a virus can be cured by themselves without any treatment after 4-10 days.

Learn about the features of Tonsils that are experiencing Inflammation Following
Bacteria or viruses that cause tonsillitis contagious through the air when an infected person coughing or sneezing disease. Even a very small droplets of saliva contains bacteria or virus sufferers. When you accidentally inhaling a splash of saliva, you are at risk of developing tonsillitis. When you touch the surface contained a spark of saliva containing the bacteria or viruses, and then you touch your mouth, eyes, or nose You after, you too are at risk of developing tonsillitis.

Once you are infected, you will manifest the characteristics of tonsils that are experiencing inflammation as listed below. You could have just showed some symptoms, but it could just be the whole of the following symptoms you experience everything:

Sore throat
The main symptoms of tonsil inflammation is experiencing a sore throat. Throat and tonsil second gland (located in the left and right side of the throat, upper-back of the tongue) looks red and swollen. Tonsil glands appear to have spots or dots pus that covers part or all of the surface of the tonsils glands. Because of the swelling of the tonsils, the glands in addition to sore throat, tonsillitis sufferers usually have difficulty in swallowing.

Signs tonsils that are experiencing inflammation of the second is fever. Fever is the body's response of the immune system of the body that shows (in this case, both pieces of Your tonsils gland) the middle of the fight against the infection. Someone called the experience a fever when his temperature was above 37.5 degrees Celsius (use a thermometer to get an accurate temperature measurement results).

Signs tonsils that are experiencing inflammation of the other is the breath that smells of sufferers do not. To be aware of is, not foul smelling breath is not only caused by tonsillitis only. Lack of awareness of someone to maintain the cleanliness of teeth and oral cavity, flavorful food consumption and the low-carb diet may also trigger the onset of breath odor is not.

The smell of your breath is not tasty of course can also be caused by a number of medical conditions. In addition in the case of tonsillitis, bad breath is not savoury also can arise in the case of dental or gum infection, pharyngitis (inflammation of the voice box), localized infection on respiratory tract, sinusitis (inflammation of the cavity behind the forehead and cheekbones), chronic chronic bronchitis, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), kidney or liver disease, and lactose intolerance.

Signs and symptoms are similar to flu sick
Signs tonsils that are experiencing inflammation may also be signs and symptoms similar to flu, such as runny nose and congestion, sneezing, and coughing. When you experience a sore throat accompanied with the signs and symptoms of the flu, the most likely cause of tonsillitis you are the virus. Tonsillitis due to viral infections will usually recover without special handling in less than 2 weeks.

If you feel a sore throat coupled with a sudden high fever and swollen lymph nodes but it does not appear the signs and symptoms of the flu as mentioned earlier, possibly tonsillitis that you experience are caused by bacteria. This means you need to go to a doctor who will probably prescribe antibiotics.

Tonsillitis is caused by a bacterial infection if not treated properly will trigger the onset of complications, such as ear and sinus infections or abscesses peritonsil. Tonsillitis who repeatedly relapse can block the ducts of the breath and causes the emergence of a number of problems ranging from minor such as snoring, until the weight such as obstructive sleep apnea (stopping breathing while sleeping, which caused by blockage on the breath).

Take care of Yourself Tonsillitis caused by viruses
If you experience the characteristics of the inflamed tonsils if caused by a virus, you can do the treatment yourself at home. The purpose of this independently care is to relieve the signs and symptoms of tonsillitis while your body fight infection. Maintenance you can do yourself at home is to relieve the inconvenience you experienced due to a sore throat and other symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, cough, and sneezing.

The steps that you can do is as follows:

Gargle with salt water. Combine 1 teaspoon salt with 250 ml of warm water, then use it to gargle as often as possible. Salt is a natural antiseptic that can help the ' rinse ' of the virus from your body. Some sources do not recommend gargling with salt water for children aged under 8 years.
Drink warm water or cold, depending on which one makes you feel comfortable. One of the characteristics of the tonsils that are experiencing inflammation is fever. So, drink lots of fluids (including juices, juice, soup, or other electrolyte fluid) can help lower body temperature.
Pain relief medication such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. In the drinking cure, read and follow the instructions listed on the label. If not sure of the overdose, consult Your doctor. Do not give aspirin on individuals aged under 20 years.
Many of the rest
A warm bath to help lower body temperature. Water vapor also assists in the warmth of the welcome relief of the nose are clogged.
Thus article that discusses about the characteristics of the tonsils that are experiencing inflammation, accompanied by glimpses of tips to treat tonsillitis due to virus at home. Hopefully this article brings benefits to all of us.

Signs of the fertile Period and how to calculate it

For every newly married couples, will certainly very looking forward to the emergence of signs of flourishing period experienced by women. Because when the fertile period sign appears, the process of fertilization is done by a pair of husband and wife will most likely succeed.

For that reason, it is important, I pray for anyone to know how that can be done in observing the emergence period of fertile. One of them is by calculating the menstrual cycle experienced by women. Here are a few things that bodes that you are fertile conditions.

Signs of the fertile Period of physical changes
As described above that the easiest way to find out the sign of fertility is based on a count of the menstrual cycle or menstruation. During the menstrual cycle run regularly, then calculate the fertile period would be easier. However, there are some signs of the fertile period can also be used as another benchmark and surely you should look. Among them are the following:

Feel the pain in the abdomen
The pain appears in the stomach can certainly be experienced by anyone and happens anytime. However, the rise of the pain in the abdomen, especially on the back or abdomen, then this may be one sign that ovulation is occurring. It's just that they have stomach pain, symptoms that are very diverse. Anyone feel a mild abdominal pain, and others feel the pain greatly.

What does pain in the abdomen becomes valid indication that a woman is fertile? Of course not. But the question is the abdominal pain abdominal pain that is specific, i.e. occurs on day 5 – 6 before masa menstruation arrives. (read also: how easy to calendar KB planning pregnancy)

Changes in the Cervical
This is a sign of fertility that may very rarely realized by a woman. In normal conditions, cervical women will feel hard, more closed, and also dry. Whereas when the time arrives, then the fertile cervical will turn into a more open, moist, and tender. This is because the eggs released by the ovaries start and ready to undergo the process of fertilization.

Pain in the chest
For information, the production of estrogen hormone levels that occurs before a period of fertile women experience will bring up the pain in the chest. Even for some women will be very sensitive when touched the chest armor. This later led to the emergence of soreness or pain when the fertile period is coming.

The emergence of Patches of Cervical
Signs of the fertile period can also be known with the advent of spotting emerging from cervical. The specified patches are patches attached at the knickers. In General, these patches in the form of a fluid sort of slime. As for the form of the mucus is thin and stretch. If heeded, the shape and the colour is very similar to the white part on chicken eggs.

The emergence of these patches became one of the signs that a woman was in the peak times of production. These patches usually appear on the 14th day after the period of menstruation or menstruation ends. This is one sign that is very easy to know whether you are in the fertile or not.

That's some signs of the fertile period of physical changes that you are experiencing. If you experience the above signs, then during that time of conception have huge chances to succeed. However, still it is advisable for you to consult on the obstetrician in order to get a more accurate prediction.

3 ways to know the arrival time of the fertile
After learning some sign of fertile period, then you must understand how to know the fertile so that you can verify it for yourself. There are at least 3 ways in the know the fertile. Among them are the following:

Counting with the menstrual cycle
For information, the normal menstrual cycle is a period for 21 days to 35 days. Some women do have the same menstrual cycle and regular. But there is also a cycle varies, it can slow or even faster for a few days. So for women who have irregular menstrual cycles, will be more difficult to determine when the fertile period will appear.

To facilitate your understanding, examples will be given here is a menstrual cycle that happens for 30 days and 21 days. In normal conditions, on the 14th day before the arrival of the first day of menstruation comes, the egg will be released from the ovaries. So the calculation is:

Menstrual cycle 30 days – 14 days = days to 16 after the first day of the last menstruation occurs
21 day menstrual cycle – 14 days = 7th day after the first day of last menstrual
An example of a case in point is when a woman has a menstrual cycle is 30 days. The first day of her last menstrual date falls on January 20. Based on the cycle, then the date of arrival of the next menstruation is on 18 February. That way, then the exuberance was on 4 February (18 February – 14 = 4).

Regarding the sperm can only survive for 2 to 3 days in a woman's body, while the egg can last for 1 day only, then the range of couples can do relationships with a range of 2 days prior to the occurrence of fertile period. Based on a sample, then the ideal date is 2 days before the time of flourishing end i.e. the date February 16. (read also: https: Specifies the time of infertile women to become pregnant after not associated)

Elasticity of Mucus in women
Signs of the fertile period second that can be observed is the elasticity of mucus. How to know is a woman can insert the tip of his finger on the channels of conception. When the mucus comes out clear and colored wet, then it's a sign that the body in the fertile conditions. In addition, the amount of mucus also tend to be a lot more than usual.

Basal Body Temperature Checking
The next way is to do the checking against the basal body temperature. The reason, the increase in body temperature will demonstrate the process of ovulation. On normally, the temperature will increase during the 3 days with a number of around 0.2 – 0.5 degrees Celsius. It's just that this temperature can be checked when the body undergoes full break condition. An increase in temperature occurs due to the process of production of the hormone progesterone that appears after ovulation.

In this case, you can check the body temperature in the morning after waking up and note on a graph that can be obtained from clinics, a pharmacy, or directly from a doctor. Temperature measurement is usually done in a period of 3 months in order to find out for sure the person's normal body temperature. The trick, put the thermometer on the tongue with lips closed during a period of 3 – 5 minutes. Don't get out of bed in advance up to body temperature measurement process is completed.

How? If you already understand the ways above? If less obvious, you can contact a specialist in order to determine when it's time Your fertile period arrived. So a little review about signs of the fertile period. May be useful.

Tips on how to Calculate gestatio

There is a wide choice of how to calculate gestational age in weeks you can do. Count them manually with a prescribed formula, with estimates, or even right now you can already calculate gestational age automatically using an application that is installed in the gadget. By knowing the gestational age of the week you can provide the best for your baby's proper candidate according time, as fruits are suitable in each trimesternya, good food for pregnant women in each trimesternya, and so on, as well as abstinence-abstinence on certain gestational age. Or even when curious with fetal development each week, you can know it is appropriate gestational age.

Pregnancy is one of the most awaited by married couples at a time into a very beautiful grace given by God Almighty. It is therefore a great many married couples are typically impatient look forward to the fruits of his heart to soon born and can supplement their families. As pregnant women or couples who are accompanying pregnant You should not just looking forward to when your child will be born, but can also take care of your pregnancy with the proper way appropriate gestational age. Here we discuss the various ways of calculating gestational age in weeks.

How to calculate gestational age manually
In general the gestational age is over 40 weeks or approximately 280 days starts from the first day of the last menstruation or commonly abbreviated as HPHT DIAMONDS. And the doctor or midwife more often use a matter of weeks rather than months. This matter assessed due to a matter of weeks could make an estimate of your doctor or midwife about the progression of pregnancy becomes more accurate. Well, how to calculate gestational age of the week can be done in many ways, including the following:

1. Count Calendar
Maybe this is the way how to calculate gestational age the most classic and it is very commonly used. But if you want to use this method, the requirement is that you must know in advance about Your menstrual cycle. This is due to count calendar will use its calculations in the formula of HPHT DIAMONDS.

As your last menstruation was in August, takes place from March 17 to 24, then the HPHT is August 17. Calculating age pregnancy starts from August 17 and August 24, pregnancy age is 1 week. Why can it be so? This is the consensus of the medical field to simplify the calculation, so even though the time in touch or the konsepsinya on August 31, age pregnancy still calculated from HPHT, so considered pregnancy starts from August 17. Read also: Tips for Calculating the period of Fertile women after Menses with ease.

Use the calendar and count HPHT DIAMONDS can also be utilized to estimate the date of birth. Age pregnancy generally lasts 280 days or 40 weeks, you could add 280 days to the HPHT to know the estimated dates of his birth. This is known by way of Naegele. To simplify the calculation then the trick is to HPHT plus 7, reduced menstrual month 3, and year plus 1. Not hard right? Naegele formula is commonly used in women who have a regular menstrual cycle, i.e. every 28 days to 30 days.

We will give examples of calculating the approximate Day of birth or HPL. HPHT + 7, 3 month, year + 1. But if the month could not be dikurang three aliases in January-March, then the total with 9, but in the year hadn't added 1. Examples of HPHT August 17, 2017, then its calculations:

17 + 7 = 24 (date)
8-3 = 5 (months)
2017 2018 + 1 = (year)

So today the approximate birth or HPL was May 24, 2018. But HPL usually given time plus minus about 7 days. So the possibility of HPL are between 17 may 2018 to May 31, 2018. Read also: what are the signs of a week before giving birth?

Method of calculating gestational age are others more information on page 2.

2. The system of Fundus Uteri
How to calculate gestational age in the next week is by way of the uterine fundus uteri or peak. You can do so by way of grasping the part of the uterus especially in the part that feels are prominent in the abdomen. How to calculate it you can do starting from the pubic bone. If the distance is presumably the pubic bone until the peak of the uterus or fundus uterinya about 28 cm, can be estimated gestational age you already entered the 28th week. While in week 36 distance will be increased to 36 cm. If your weight is normal, you can calculate the distance by means of putting two fingers started from the pubic bone to the fundus Uteri. The theory is, any two fingers You marked the age of 2 weeks of your pregnancy.

3. Detection of Fetal Movement
In addition to the previous two ways, there are also very easy to do but maybe its accuracy is not 100% certain. You can find out the age of your pregnancy fetal movement feel in a way that is in your stomach. If the fetus is already starting to twitch in your stomach and you already feel it isa, estimated pregnancy You have entered the week 18 to week 20. However the age of 18-20 the week reserved for You a first time pregnant. As for the woman who had previously pregnant, if these signs occur means the age of her pregnancy had already entered the week 16th – 18th.

4. Fertile Period Calculator
The last way is the way is called the fertile time calculator. This could also be a way of calculating gestational age if you forget the HPHT DIAMONDS. This way created specifically to calculate how old your pregnancy. This way is probably the way that modern enough already and you can do instantly without having to do complex calculations.

Fertile period usually calculator you can do with the application. You can just move the mouse to rotate the loop in accordance with condition of the pregnancy at the time. From there you will get data on gestational age, fetal conditions, as well as the date of birth of your child. But you need to remember how to calculate gestational age in this week is the way it will only give an overview in General only. But for more akuratnya perhaps you could use pregnancy how to calculate manually.

How to calculate gestational age in weeks with Modern Methods
Well, other than with some easy way and also in the manual counting of gestational age and approximate date of birth, also there is also a modern medical methods which allow you to know the gestational age and birth date are also more accurate. Its accuracy even reach 95 percent. This way is known as Ultrasound or ultrasound. Through the ULTRASOUND you could calculate the gestational age, when born, and can see the fetus you in 3-dimensional graphics.

How to use this ULTRASOUND can be done if Your pregnant already entered between 4-6 week of pregnancy. Ultrasound assessment itself there are two types, namely a transvaginal ULTRASOUND and transabdominal ULTRASOUND also. What is the difference of both? Transvaginal examination is conducted through the birth, while the transabdominal is through the abdominal wall. And the more doctors usually recommend a transvaginal ULTRASOUND examination to find out the condition of the pregnancy saaat it too.

So the article on how to calculate gestational age in weeks, both how to calculate gestational age manually or in a modern can be done with ultrasound. Hopefully this article can give a little description of how to calculate gestational age in weeks and help you take care of appropriate pregnancy gestational age.

The characteristics of early stage Leukemia Disease to know and look out for

Although leukemia disease traits could not be immediately identified because it does not have clear characteristics, but should society keep trying to get to know about this disease. Leukemia or cancer of the white blood include diseases that are difficult to cure and can be fatal, but with early detection and early treatment from an early stage, disease progression can be inhibited. Early treatment of the disease will increase life expectancy.

Knowledge of dangerous diseases are actually very helpful if known by the community. Because the disease is not a thing that can be predicted the influx. Even people who in the previous day's healthy look can directly fall ill in the next days and will deteriorate rapidly. No exception for diseases including leukemia, a disease that is rarely found in this society can deteriorate quickly, in a matter of days or weeks, unless a chronic type of development slow.

What Are The Symptoms Of The Disease Of Leukemia?
As above written at the beginning, leukemia cells do not have obvious symptoms, there is no one typical symptom is a symptom of leukemia. However, leukemia cells have many of the symptoms that can help detect the disease, but because the symptoms are similar to regular diseases, then we recommend that you should always be alert so as not to kecolongan.

The characteristics of the disease in the early stages of leukemia that is recognizable when the sufferer is injured and his wounds bleed. If the injured person is normal, the blood out of the body would immediately clot the blood flow out and will soon cease. But if the injured and bleeding are the sufferers of leukemia or cancer of the blood, the blood flow will be extremely difficult halted. These symptoms make the sufferer will experience a shortage of red blood cells or anemia. And if seen, blood issued were not concentrated in red, but pink.

Sufferers of leukemia while still in the early stage will usually suffer nosebleeds or bleeding from the nose. The cause of the mimisannya any different to those experienced by normal people who are not sick with leukemia. In general the nosebleed can be caused due to a very high body temperature. Time of occurrence usually only brief and blood will soon stop coming out. But in people with leukemia, will frequent nosebleeds and not quick stop, besides this nosebleed events will be accompanied by Vertigo that is very unusual. Well, if it turns out during this you the nosebleed often coupled with Vertigo, beware of leukemia disease characteristics and immediately checking your health to the doctor.

Symptoms of the disease of leukemia sufferers is often experiencing bleeding from gums and teeth. Generally when someone may be experiencing bleeding on that section is caused due to deficiency of vitamin C or because exposed to foreign bodies from the outside. Blood is coming out any time easily stopped and his wounds heal faster. However, if a person suffers from leukemia, bleeding that occurs quite often repeated and difficult to perdarahannya stopped because the blood is also difficult to freeze.

Furthermore, sufferers of leukemia cells usually often feel pain in the joints or in the spine. Even the incredible pain it can make sufferers experience a high fever because of a vertebra is apparently being attacked by cancer cells. In addition to pain at the joints and spine, leukemia sufferers are also often feel pain in the abdomen. The characteristics of this leukemia disease caused due to excessive white blood cells gather in the area of the kidneys, liver and bile. And what happens is the body organs swell and accompanied by pain and appetite makin day diminish.

Articles about leukemia symptoms continued on page 2. Read also about the symptoms of leukemia in children and the types of leukemia on page 2.
In addition to blood cancer or leukemia sufferers is also very vulnerable to contracting the disease or the virus because white blood cells in the body are excessive should serve keep the body from disease, not function normally. Therefore the body of leukemia sufferers vulnerable once exposed to viral infections. Dangerous as hell, isn't it? In the early stage alone is able to make someone be interrupted its activities, especially if a person suffering from the disease of leukemia stage 4.

The disease can also make someone lympa glands swell because white blood cells are concentrated in the area of lympa glands. And that may also happen is most often the sufferer would have difficulty breathing or dyspnea. If you feel yourself, family, siblings, or friends you experience symptoms like, immediately consult a specialist to verify it and get treatment as soon as possible when it turns out right is suffering from leukemia.

Features of the disease of leukemia in children
Well, some of the symptoms of the disease of leukemia or features of yesteryear usually suffered by adults. But did you know that children can also experience the blood cancer? Therefore it is highly recommended that You take more care and maintain the health of your child in order for the blood cancer or leukemia cells not infected your child. Why parents should be very wary with leukemia disease traits in children? This is because usually the majority of the children are not too feel the pain caused by the cancer symptoms. Symptoms generally occurs in children suffering from cancer of the blood is her weight will shrink.
Weight shrinkage which occurs in children be caused because the child diminishes its talking lust. Other symptoms are usually experienced by the child is easy to lose balance. Child cancer patients blood will easily fall while walking or running. Features of the disease of leukemia in children is a difficult blood froze when the child was hurt. These symptoms are the same as symptoms experienced by adults.

The type of the disease of leukemia or blood cancer
After knowing the characteristics of the disease of leukemia, you should also find out some types of leukemia disease so that you can be more aware of this disease. It is generally a disease of leukemia or cancer is divided into 4 types. Limfostik acute leukemia usually suffered by children. Even the cause still has not been found. But until recently it is possible limfostik leukemia occurs due to genetic factors. Then chronic limfostik leukemia cells usually occur in adults ages 45-60 years. This type of the disease of leukemia is the most benign and progression of kankernya slowly. While the acute and chronic mielositik leukemia is a type of leukemia is quite vicious and very dangerous.

It last a discussion of the characteristics of the disease in the early stages of leukemia which is certainly not yet a worst symptoms or signs of the disease of leukemia stage 4. By knowing the features of yesteryear, you can be more aware of the disease of leukemia or blood cancer, either for yourself or for your child.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leukemia (United Kingdom)
https://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leukemia (Indonesian Language)
and various other sources

Overcoming cough in infants should not be indiscriminate. Although it may seem trivial, keep in mind that the durability of the body of the baby is still very weak. How ill treatment in infants should not be equated with adults, it is not advisable to try medication in infants though adults in small doses. A great many types of cough medicine that is available and it is formulated for babies and children. But you should also note that cope with cough in infants 1 month distinctly different by way of overcoming cough in toddlers who was already more than a year. It is therefore not advisable to give infants or toddlers You any cough medicine, always read the instructions of use beforehand, and it is better to consult a doctor. Read also: Tips on choosing children's cough medicine 2 years.

The durability of a body still weak baby can easily cause esophageal pain, therefore his health should be completely guarded and cared for. Prevent is better than cure. Although a cough is considered mild pain, often also associated with sign or symptoms of the presence of other diseases in the body, including severe illness. Always beware of coughing that is experienced by your child, especially for baby and toddler age children also. Read also: things about Cough Colds in infants who are obligated to Know.

How To Cope With Cough In Infants?
There are many ways that can be done when your baby is suffering from pain and cough. Starting from the drugs doctors, medicinal herbs and also traditional medicine. In Indonesia alone, the first traditional cough more frequently used to cope with cough in infants or toddlers. Although both drugs, but the drug traditionally smaller risks for a child compared to chemical drugs. The following are some tips and natural remedies to relieve a cough in infants.
1. Lemon + Honey

For infants aged one year above, you can try to solve it with a warm drink mix lime juice and honey. A mixture of honey and lemon it will relieve the itch in my throat and was able to stimulate the secretion of saliva that can relieve a cough in infants. For babies aged 1 to 5 years recipe is half a TSP of honey with a little lime juice combine in warm water. Try to meminumkan it on the baby before sleep. Can be taken several times a day as needed.

2. Turmeric

How to cope with cough in infants is using the potion of Saffron. In addition to the commonly used by adults, turmeric can also be used to cure a cough in infants and toddlers. The trick is not too complicated, for those of you who have a baby or a toddler who still suckle, apply turmeric powder to her mother's breast before feeding the baby. In addition there is also other way i.e. by mixing turmeric powder into milk. Give the herb saffron to the sick children coughing as much as twice a day. Saffron is capable of reducing inflammation and strengthening the resilience of the baby.

3. Traditional Oil

Other traditional herb which can cope with cough in infants is traditional oil. Oil that many variants in Indonesia such as eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, rosemary oil, or votes can help accelerate the process of healing the sick cough in infants and toddlers as well. Although not in a way consumed like two herb before, but how it also rated quite effectively help cope with cough in infants 1 year 5 months, or toddlers (there is no limit of age). Do not apply this traditional oil near the face of the your baby, simply in the chest, first apply a little amount of.

Moreover, tips for overcoming cough on the fruit of your heart? There are still a few more other tips on page 2, including further discusses how to cope with cough in infants under the age of 6 months.

4. Garlic

Next you can try with garlic. The trick is to dry the garlic, can with baked goods. Once dry and cold, put the cloth bag and then put on your baby's bed, but don't get too close or are within the reach of the baby. For babies aged above 6 months, can also be performed with a mengusapkan cloth bags on the chest, but don't do it directly, check first the temperature and grasp with the hands.

In addition to the already mentioned on the previous page, there are again some more tips to relieve a cough in infants. Give your baby with warm water to drink on a regular basis so keep hydrated. Then also give the porridge a baby pureed vegetables and chicken porridge, both of which also can help restore the immunity of infants.

Although this traditional herb effect is indeed relatively longer compared to the consumption of chemical medicines or drugs from the doctor, but the risks or side effects are smaller and relatively safer for infants and toddlers. In addition to natural ingredients, durability of baby's body is also still not too strong for many medications.

Overcoming Cough in infants Aged Under 6 months
When your baby starts developing coughs or colds, don't panic. The first way that perhaps you can do if you lay still and do not know to treat in a way what, immediately take your baby to the doctor. Consult the doctor and ask for the child-specific tips to her doctor about how to cope with cough colds in infants.

In addition to the checked to pediatricians, there are several things you can do to cope with cough in infants aged under 6 months. Usually the disease in infants this one caused by an allergy or infection. That makes parents panic when fruit heart illness coughs colds are usually the symptom of fever, runny nose, watery eyes, and so forth, but that is the usual thing that happens.

The first step to do is to give an extra portion of breast milk. the content of nutrients in BREAST MILK are assessed can increase the durability of the body of the child. In addition to the fact also said that the baby's movements while sucking BREAST MILK from the breast of the mother will shut down channel channel, namely the eustachian liaison between the nose and the ears. Well, it is able to minimize the risk of infection in the ear is caused by bacteria in the nose or throat.

Tips for overcoming cough in infants is with menjemurnya in the morning sunlight. In this way also though it is generally done by all mothers, but this way is indeed assessed quite effective to help the healing process of infants suffering from cough. The rays of the morning sun is great for helping to eradicate the virus, bacteria or fungi that are present in the body. If your child is clogged nose, liquid is removable by means of menyedotnya or with the help of vacuum tool.

For infants under 6 months, you can also try the tips on using garlic that has been mentioned above, steam from this garlic can relieve coughs and relieve nasal congestion in infants.

If the way your baby still has not recovered much less had passed the 7 days, immediately take it to the doctor or to the hospital in order to get professional treatment. Babies and toddlers are very susceptible to various types of diseases, therefore keep your environment clean and Your family's health as well as possible. May be useful.

http://www.babycentre.co.uk/a1050293/coughs (United Kingdom)
http://www.parents.com/baby/health/cough/decoding-babys-cough/(United Kingdom)
https://www.bumpsnbaby.com/21-home-remedies-cold-cough-babies/(United Kingdom)
http://www.findhomeremedy.com/home-remedies-for-baby-cold/(United Kingdom)