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How to eliminate the nasal congestion that interferes with

Who the hell is that never experienced the sensation of nasal congestion, and who also never find a way relieving nasal congestion, either with a herbal or medical treatment to the doctor. Yes, the symptoms of nasal congestion is one of the symptoms of the disease are annoying, disrupting the quality of life and sometimes it is hard to be healed. As it turns out, quite a lot of ways of relieving nasal congestion are safe and You can easily do yourself at home.

Nasal congestion is one of the symptoms of the disease most frequently occurs in humans. What is the reason the sensation of nasal congestion can occur? The answer is various. Nasal congestion can occur in infectious diseases, especially germs that infect the respiratory tract and throat. Nasal congestion can be one of the most dominant symptoms of an allergic reaction. In addition, infected sinuses can cause symptoms of nasal congestion. Essentially, the myriad causes of nasal congestion, and we will tell you how to eliminate the nasal congestion in the articles this time.

How to Relieve nasal congestion and how to overcome in order to Breathe Into Relief Again
Many options how to defuse and resolve the nasal congestion. Starting from do compress, mengonsumsu kind of eating that have the effect of herbs to use drugs. Also keep in mind one important way to relieve nasal congestion caused by allergies is avoiding substances that make allergy yourself. Here's how to relieve and how to eliminate the nasal congestion that is already summarized for you:

1. Breathe in the steamy Air

In fact, what is happening with our noses while we feel our noses clogged? Nasal congestion is caused by the process of inflammation that occurs in the blood vessels and skin membrane in the nose. This membrane will produce mucous or slime to clear the irritating substance, both things that trigger allergies or germ attack. Breathing air is dry turns can trigger irritation and inflammation process increasingly fabulous, so how to eliminate the nasal congestion is mengirup the air moist. The humid air can you get from a vaporizer, or as simple as inhaling steam heat from iar that is cooked on the stove, or hot steam from the bathroom.

2. Clean your nose

Possible ways of relieving nasal congestion this one impressed a little strange. However, this method is already quite powerful terbukt as how to treat nasal congestion. Use a water solution of NaCl to clean up your nasal cavity. His goal was to help clear the nasal cavity from substances that irritate and keeping the mucous membrane nasal cavity humidity you. In addition to the solution of NaCl, you can also use plain water are cooked until done and wait until its temperature warms up. For irrigation, you can use the bulb syringe or simply drinking straws.

3. Compress

As it turned out, the Agency not only compresses an unused do when you feel a cold or when bruising only. Compress can also be a way of relieving nasal congestion that is very practical, safe and fast. To make use of compress, you can use two kinds of compress that is warm and cold compresses compresses. To use cold compresses, you can put ice cubes or frozen peas into the plastic or into the fabric, fabric glue alu at the bridge of your nose. While the warm compress is done using a clean towel dipped into hot water, wait until warm and then put it on the bridge of the nose. How to eliminate the nasal congestion is not shown to relieve airway in a long period of time, but still effective for a while.

4. Mint Flavour Tea

Although the mint tea or mint tea taste uncommon became the community's favorite drink, mint tea flavor turns out to have good benefits to ease the nose feels clogged. Tea mint flavor can be used as one way of relieving nasal congestion because they contain menthol can reduce production and viscosity of mucus and can be led to the respiratory tract. Drink mint tea in a warm State to relieve your breathing.

5. Garlic

Kitchen spice this one was already famous as a medicinal herb, one of which is as natural flu remedy. Garlic contains a natural antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, and also has the effect of antifungal and antimicrobial so well suited to help eliminate nasal congestion, either at the time of flu or not. How to make use of garlic as a pelega nasal congestion is easy, cut a couple suing peeled garlic, put it in a small pot containing 1 glass of water. Heat the pot over a fire, and then breathe in the vapors of this solution after boiling water.

6. Water Consumption per day

Even though it sounds trivial, consuming the amount of enough water is one way of relieving nasal congestion that is important and of course easy. Many testimonies stating that stuffy nose will feel more relieved after consuming drinking water, especially where temperature warm. When less like drinking water, you can try other drinks that are more creative, like chamomile tea, the water warm and chicken soup is not greasy, green tea and warm water mixed with honey and lemon.

7. Medication Pharmacies

When you are in the middle of the night, the situation was about to sleep, but the nose is very clogged so that impedes Your airway, perhaps you can try using the drug to pharmacies for relieving symptoms of Your nasal congestion. The most recommended types of drugs to relieve nasal congestion is chlorpheniramine maleate or CTM. In addition to CTM, you can also try to buy cetirizine as pelega Your stuffy nose. Remember, the wearing of a CTM can be done up to 3 times a day with the consequences of the affected side effects in the form of excessive drowsiness. While the cetirizine is only allowed one time consumed in one day. How to eliminate the nasal congestion is you can choose as an alternative to the last of your nasal congestion symptoms.

Preventing is always better than cure. Saying that it is true, especially regarding the health of the body. Then, for those who suffer from allergies, avoid substances that make your allergies, such as dust, so that's not the case episode nasal congestion. You also need to keep Your hygiene to prevent themselves from infection of respiratory tract germs to you. Keep your body durability also always by way of eating healthy and balanced meals that contain lots of vitamins, enough sleep and don't let yourself freezing in a long time. When you've tried most of the choice of how to eliminate the nasal congestion above but have failed to improve, check with yourself to your doctor to get proper information handling and optimal.

Beware of Hypertension in pregnancy and do Prevention

Hypertension in pregnancy is one of the illnesses that need to be particularly aware of its presence by pregnant women. Because, in addition to affecting pregnancy, hypertension was also influential on the well-being of the fetus. Keep in mind that there are different types of hypertension that appear only when pregnant any time. Well that hypertension does not always occur on all pregnant women, however, know the following information about hypertension prevention and early penatalaksanaannya there are, of course many benefit.

Pregnancy is an important moment eagerly awaited its presence by many mothers. Any concern then expressed to the would-be fruit hearts. Much effort is made for the sake of maintaining health and well-being during pregnancy. One of them with a reasonably wide range of possibility the disease could affect health while pregnant, including hypertension.

Understanding Hypertension in pregnancy
Hypertension in pregnancy is the blood pressure of at least 140 mmHg systolic (the pressure when the heart is contracting) or 90 mmHg diastolic (the pressure when the heart relaxes). These conditions are enforced after blood pressure checks are conducted at least twice a 4-6 hour.

There are some conditions that make a mother pregnant more potentially exposed to the disease. For example a mother with twin pregnancy, diabetes mellitus, obesity, hidramnion, hereditary factors, and more. If a pregnant mother suffered high blood pressure, urine examination will soon be done to know is inside are protein content. This is done to support the enforcement of further diagnosis.

Types of Hypertension that appear during pregnancy
The following describes the types of hypertension in pregnancy. It needs to be understood about the characteristics of each because there is some difference in characteristics and handling. Just go ahead, let us refer to the types of hypertension in pregnant women as follows:

1. Chronic Hypertension

Is hypertension (blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg) without the presence of protein in the urine that has occurred since before pregnancy and settled after the birth. Pregnant women with chronic hypertension are encouraged to reproduce a break and diligently checked the blood pressure.

It should be noted, especially at some of the mothers who have been accustomed to consuming the drug-lowering hypertension since before getting pregnant, need to mengonsultasikan further to the medics, doctors or midwives, because there are several drugs which antihipertensi not recommended consumed by pregnant women.

2. Hypertension Gestasional

Is hypertension (blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg) without the presence of protein in the urine that occurs after 20 weeks gestational age and will disappear after childbirth. This hypertension can be accompanied by heartburn and thrombocytopenia (decreased platelets).

Mothers with hypertension gestasional need to routinely monitor the blood pressure, the condition, and the development of janinnya. Mothers also need to be aware of the possibility of preeklampsia and eklampsia symptoms that may arise. Calcium supplementation and aspirin will usually be given, of course in accordance with the direction of a physician.

3. Preeklampsia

Hypertension is a condition in pregnancy with the protein in urine. Preeklampsia appeared on the gestational age of 20 weeks or more and often occur in young's first pregnancy. Preeklampsia symptoms can be a terrific headache, pain in the solar plexus, eyesight for example blurred view. But it does not always have to be experienced.

In some cases even preeklampsi early symptoms can not be felt by the patients themselves. Therefore, it is here that one of the roles and functions of important checkups during pregnancy (Antenatal Care). Preeklampsia which are not handled properly will switch into eklampsia.

Preeclampsia is classified into two types, namely:

Light Preeklampsia
Is the disease of hypertension in pregnancy with blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mmHg at 20 weeks gestational age > accompanied by the results of the examination of the urine protein + 1. Preeklampsia light repair can be done with full rest and administering a sedative on the recommendation of a doctor.
Heavy Preeklampsia
Is the disease of hypertension in pregnancy with 160/110 > blood pressure mmHg at 20 weeks of age > accompanied by the results of the examination of the urine protein ≥ + 2. On preeklampisa the weight could be accompanied by the involvement of other organs such as thrombocytopenia, oliguria, pulmonary edema, heart failure, stunted fetal growth, etc.
4. Eklampsia

Preekelampsia is accompanied with seizures. Signs and symptoms that are similar to preeklampsia. Eklampsia preeklampsia condition can occur if not handled properly. If the condition is already leading to eklampsia then it needs to be careful and vigilant considering eklampsia is still one of the great benefactors of the death toll on the mother.

The dangers of Hypertension in pregnancy is obliged to look out for
Hypertension experienced by pregnant women a little lot will have an impact on the health of the mother or baby's own good. There are many possibilities that could occur because of the presence of hypertension in pregnancy, such as the following:

The reduced supply of blood flow to the placenta – disruption of blood circulation system of practical results in disruption of blood flow also headed to the placenta.
Impaired fetal growth – the lack of intake enough nutrients and oxygen on the fetus can lead to impaired fetal growth
The weight of a baby born small – the lack of supply of nutrients to the fetus very potentially affecting the weight of the baby while the inception.
Premature birth – in some cases of hypertension, preterm birth can occur. This is related to the condition of the mother who takes pregnancy termination immediately even though the condition of the fetus have not been too ready (in conditions of prematurely). This is to save the life of either the mother or the baby.
Potentially occur infant mortality – Hypertension of pregnancy which is not handled properly can trigger a variety of the following health problems in infants can even cause death.
Cardiovascular disorders occur potentially in the mother – the emergence of hypertension in pregnancy can trigger a variety of cardiovascular disease. This can be triggered because of the condition of preeklampsia or preterm birth before.
The various precautionary measures that can be done
Given the fairly dangerous hypertension in pregnancy, then it needs to be done for minimal efforts may suppress figures of masculinity. Some things can be attempted between them as follows:

1. Repair Nutrients

Do a diet low in salt (no more than ¼ – ½ teaspoon per day), high in protein, and calcium supplements need to be done. Avoid smoking, caffeine consumption, as well as alcoholic beverages. Also avoid foods that are preserved as well as food in a can. Always keep your body weight so as not to fall into the obese category. To consult a nutritionist if necessary.

2. Exercise Regularly

Important sports are conducted to set conditions to keep the body in shape. The sport is recommended among other things such as the streets in the morning. In addition to the fresh, the streets in the morning can also meet your intake of oxygen to the fetus that is quite fresh in the morning.

3. Medical drugs

Medical personnel in this case the midwife or doctor will give you drugs to control blood pressure for pregnant women that they have high blood pressure. Of which as the assortment of medicines the drug heparin, aspirin, antihipertensi, etc. The consumption of these drugs must of course be upon advice of a doctor.

4. Multiply the break

It takes enough rest for at least 6-8 hours a day. Adequate rest is able to enhance the atmosphere of relaxed so that blood pressure can be controlled. In addition, rest is one of the efforts to control stress.

5. Routine Pregnancy Checked

Some conditions of hypertension during pregnancy may not necessarily be found with symptoms that can be felt by the mother. Therefore, it is important the pregnancy checks routinely on a good midwife or health worker physician so that the condition and development of pregnancy can be tracked properly.

Recommended for a pregnant woman to do an examination of each of a minimum of one month on the trimester I (0-12 weeks gestational age), every two weeks on a trimester II (12-24 weeks gestational age), and each once a week on (III trimester gestational age > 24 weeks).

In principle, hypertension in pregnancy can be attempted prevention by keeping a healthy life patterns. In addition, regular inspections while pregnant is important is done to monitor the development of the health of the mother and the fetus. So last information about hypertension in pregnancy, may be useful.

6 month baby food recipes that are nutritious, worth a try!

Having a baby makes time pass in such quick, up to now does not feel your baby even 6 months old already, which means you have to rotate the brain to prepare baby food recipe 6 months which is nutritious. In preparing baby food recipes that will be consumed by your baby, not off of the stage of development of babies age 6 months. This is because the developmental stages of infants who have reached the age of 6 months will determine its readiness to start receiving solid food. You can tell if your baby is ready to ' get acquainted ' with the solid food, one of which is if he can lift the head with upright and able to sit upright in a Chair.

In addition, the baby must demonstrate significant weight gain. According to experts, ideally to start was introduced to solid food baby should have a weight of at least twice the weight of the baby time born or at least have a weight of 6 pounds. In addition to seeing aspects of weight, baby motor skills can also be used as a handle on whether it is ready to receive solid food. Among them is when a baby has been able to mengatupkan his mouth around a spoon, and can move food from the front and the back of his mouth.

He's a 6 month Baby Food Recipes that are nutritious foods that can become your inspiration
From birth to 6 months old, even breast milk (BREAST MILK) is the only source of nutrients is recommended for infants, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). After 6 months, then you can give the Food Companion ASI (MPASI) to meet its nutrition value.

However, when it began to introduce solid foods in infants, you must remember that BREAST MILK should remain the main source of nutrition received the baby. This is because the baby may not necessarily be able to receive solid food. It takes practice, and also adjustment both in terms of motor skills as well as the texture and taste of the food. The introduction of solid food itself aims to develop the ability of coordination of baby body parts such as hands, eyes, and mouth.

In preparing baby food recipe 6 months which is nutritious, as much as possible You make your own baby food at home (homemade), because the more assured clean (at the stage of preparing the ingredients food, wash your food will be processed So really clean so that it is free from harmful bacteria), the quality of the materials used, free of additional preservatives or flavor enhancer, and more of the variations on your own because that determines the menu.

The menu that you can prepare for your baby, among others, puree or pulp. Food ingredients that you can sport be any smooth manifold porridge, among other vegetables (pumpkin, sweet potato), fruits that are appropriate for babies 6 months (apples, bananas), meat (chicken, beef), and cereals. Other ingredients you can sport your baby's tastes.

Introducing solid foods to your baby, do it gradually starting from the texture of liquid or diluted beforehand, because all this baby is accustomed to consume breast milk. Then you can make a smooth slurry viscous which is getting along with the age of the baby grew. The following is an example of a 6 month baby food recipes that are nutritious foods that you can the adaptation.

Porridge with milk
Ingredients: 10 gram flour (avoid using plain flour; there are many options you can though namely rice flour, flour, cornmeal, sago, flour hunkwe, or mung bean flour), 200 ml of breast milk.

How to make: Cook flour with a little water. Once cooked pour in a bowl then add the breast milk.

Puree red rice or white rice
Ingredients: Brown rice or white rice to taste, breast milk.

How to make: Cook Brown rice or white rice into gruel, strain, then mix with breast milk.

Avocado Puree
Ingredients: 50 g of avocado (peeled, washed clean, and cut into pieces), 30 ml of breast milk.

How to make avocado Blender until smooth: without adding water. Then pour in a bowl and mix with breast milk.

Banana Puree
Ingredients: 50 g peeled pisang ambon and cut into pieces, 30 ml of breast milk.

How to make: just like puree of avocado, banana blender until creamy. Pour in Bowl and add baby breast milk.

Apple Puree
Ingredients: 50 g sweet apples, 20 ml BREAST MILK or the juice of sweet orange (avoid adding sugar)

How to make: Steamed apples until tender. Blend until soft along with BREAST MILK or the juice of sweet orange.

The combination of PEAR and papaya Puree
Ingredients: yellow pears 30 gram, 25 grams of ripe papaya, and 30 ml of breast milk. Remember to always wash clean fruits before the process it further.

How to make Steamed pears until tender:, then blend with papaya until smooth without adding water. Pour into a bowl and add MILK.

How to introduce solid foods to your baby?
You've been collecting baby food recipe 6 months which is nutritious. But how is the principle of the introduction of solid food itself? There are some guidelines that you can do. The first is, in introducing solid food on baby, don't expect immediate or baby will always love the food you provide. There are times when your baby refuses the food when you first give your baby. Do not be daunted or force your baby. We recommend that you try again in a few days to give it back.

Second, try giving one type of food at a time. You are encouraged to provide a varied food for your baby. However, introducing one type of food, please wait for at least two or three days before providing other types of food.

It is done to find out if the food you give it cause an allergic reaction in the fruit of your heart. Try to make notes or food diary to make documentation on what food you have given. Thus, if an allergic reaction, it will be easier to determine the cause.

The third guide on introducing solid foods in infants is about serving. "How much should I give my baby?" Lots of mother who asked the question on health forums, You might even be one of them. Susui your baby first, then start by giving 1 teaspoon solid food on your baby. Gradually increase portions to 1 tablespoon, twice a day. Don't expect your baby directly eat a lot, as do adults.

So the article can we serve on a 6 month baby food recipes that are nutritious, following these tips lightly in introducing solid food in infants. Initially it was not easy, from start of rejection of the baby, the baby food back, spewing up to signs of allergies that may arise after your baby is consuming certain food types. Diligence is the key. Good luck and may your baby enjoy the menus You serve!

Confused looking for Drugs Itching in the groin? This Is It!

If the itching in the crotch of the drug discussed, in fact there are many alternative options to choose from. Itching in the groin can happen to anyone either male or female, adult children as well. Very annoying of course if itching at the crotch is then treated. Moreover, given that this itching appears suddenly and cannot be controlled. Very torturous isn't it? Many are then even bring up a red rash. But no need to worry because there are a variety of alternative medicine that you may choose to cure the itch at the crotch.

Get to know the various causes of Itching in the groin
In giving the drug in the crotch itch, of course, we must learn first what if that could be the cause of the itchiness. This is important because it will be associated with the type and treatment methods also. Here are some causes of itching in the crotch that often occur:

1. Fungal infections

The cause of the itching in the crotch of the most frequently encountered is due to fungus. Medically this condition known as tinea cruris. The condition usually affects the majority of self-described athlete, with diabetes mellitus, and obesity. The fungus causes tinea cruris love warm and humid environments such as the groin for example.

The actual condition of this itch is not a serious thing, but if it does not immediately do a treatment will result in the sensation of itching that increasingly intolerable, even if it is in such acute can also cause lesions (sores) and burning sensation. Sometimes the location of the infection can be flaky.

2. Intertigo

Intertigo is a type of inflammation commonly occurs in the folds of the body, such as the armpits, the folds of the stomach, including also the groin (crotch). In addition to itching, intertigo is also a potential cause of fluid due to blisters. The skin that has been damaged, bacterial infection is very likely to occur.

Intertrigo makin potentially appear when the more frequent interaction or friction between the skin. This situation was further compounded by moist, e.g. exhausted exercise. The appearance of blisters becoming a very reddish rashes may occur, usually will accompany. Ordinary obesity and diabetes became the founders of the emergence of this intertigo.

3. Scabies (scabies)

Scabies is caused by genital lice or mites that in medical terms is called Sarcoptes scabiei. Often, these infected scabies during nighttime. Scabies is highly contagious easily either by direct or indirect contact.

4. Allergic reaction

Allergies can also trigger the appearance of a rash or itching in the crotch. Allergies are common due to the effect of ointments, creams, soaps, detergents, and the like. Allergies typically begin with an itching red rash and followed by.

Choose Drugs Itching in the crotch of the right
In overcoming the usual whack crotch itch, there are various alternative remedies that could be a solution, including:

1. Antifungal

Given if the cause of the itching is due to fungus. The availability of medicinal mushrooms in the market among them, econazole, ketoconazole, fluconazole, and others. However the use of antifungal drugs itching in the crotch as it should on the recommendation of a doctor. If you opt for a natural treatment, soaking in the warm salt water can be attempted.

2. Antibiotics

used if the itching that occurs due to a bacterial infection. The usual antibiotics are given if the itching in the crotch to be naughty and require treatment that is treated more seriously. The doctor will give the proper antibiotics.

3. Corticosteroids

Corticosteroids and antihistamine drug is itching in General, not only for a certain type of itching alone. Working at relieving itch with his role as anti inflammatory and anti allergic (corticosteroids). In the arranged, corticosteroids are available in the form of creams and also oral medications (drunk). The difference between cream and oral drugs lies in the part that is exposed.

If only on a small scale or on a certain body part, cream can be used. Simply by applying at the crotch as much as 1-2 times each day. However, if the part that is exposed to quite extensive, more oral medications are recommended.

If the itching only at the crotch area, simply use the drug brush only. It is usually available in the market are hydrocortisone ointment. Even though it can be bought without a prescription, but it is advisable to stick to consult a doctor first.

4. Antihistamines

Works by inhibiting histamine (a chemical causes itching). Regular consumption by as much as 3 times a day. Some medicines that cause drowsiness antihistamines there some are not. In practice, it is usually antihistamines is given concurrently with oral corticosteroids or ointments to achieve maximum healing.

5. Compress

Itching in the crotch area can be reduced by mengompresnya with cold water or ice. Routine compresses an unused very help reduce itchy sensation commonly appear. Keep perlukaan to stay dry after compresses an unused with cold water or ice.

6. strive to dry

The area of the groin if moist more susceptible exposed to infection. The causes of itchiness will thrive with more fertile in humid areas. Therefore, strive to keep it dry. If the bath is finished, dry it completely with a towel.

7. avoid scratching

Scratching will cause a new perlukaan. This certainly would be lengthening the healing process and aggravate the condition. Mute itching with compresses an unused with cold water or ice.

8. Make sure clean

Clean the crotch area before using the ointment. The affected area infection cleared up first using SOAP and water. After that, Pat dry with a clean towel, then after that the drug can be given a brush.

9. use drugs itching in the groin on a regular basis

The use of creams or ointments should be used regularly because the healing process is usually periodic. Usually drugs (oles) is given after the bath, morning and afternoon.

Efforts to prevent Itching in the groin
Itching in the groin could have avoided his appearance, not always with consuming drugs itching in the crotch instead. There are a few things that need to be done include:

Use the clothes in person
Fungus or other causes of itching in the crotch is very easily spread through the use of clothes. Avoid borrowing or loaning and wearing clothing that is not his own. Be it pants, shirts, towels, and more. The cause of the itching in the groin because scabies is contagious, it is easy for example through this medium.

Avoid using tight clothes
Causes of itching on selagkangan either the fungus or other very fertile thrive in humid conditions. Tight clothes trigger transpiration more often. Moreover, if exercised, the excess sweat production makes the body feels more moist. Strive to be quickly replaced the damp clothes.
Keep hygiene clothes
Garments that are worn out quickly after being washed. Don't let the clothing piling up to days. Especially if that outfit was over used a lot outside of producing sweat. The media spread the fungus or bacteria is indeed much begins from this outfit. So the cleanliness of the clothes is primary.

Do not attempt to direct new clothes
New clothes despite the new label but should still be washed before use. Until the end of the production process does not guarantee their cleanliness. Many cases arising out of the use of new clothes without being washed beforehand.

So last few explanations on the crotch itch remedy these efforts can be done to prevent the emergence of itching in the crotch. In essence, hygiene and clothing is a major key in preventing the emergence of itching on selangakan. Thus, it may be useful.

Rajinlah Eating healthy foods for the heart Here

If you want a healthy heart and strong then you need to find out what types of foods are healthy for the heart. As we know, the heart is an organ that is essential for human life, therefore we have to always take care of her. A lot of effort that can be done to maintain cardiovascular health and lower the risk of heart disease, which one of them is through food. Food indeed can indeed play a role in our health, doubles can provide many benefits but can also endanger health if wrong in selecting them. Therefore you need to be more wise in deciding what type of food you should consume daily.

Heart disease is a very dangerous disease, even still become number one killer disease in Indonesia or in the world. Human life is an increasingly modern society thus can increase the risk for heart disease, because the disease is closely related to lifestyle/life style. A variety of factors that can be the cause of heart disease among others, i.e. high blood pressure (hypertension), high cholesterol (other), overweight (obesity), less doing sports or physical activity, diabetes ( diabetes mellitus), and the presence of genetic factors. In addition to that heart disease can also be caused due to the habit of smoking, alcohol consumption, and stress factors.

Various types of healthy food for the heart
The more we will progressively increase the risk of heart disease, because the heart is one of the types of degenerative diseases. Degenaratif disease is a disease that is caused due to a decline in the functions of the body systemically. So people who are elderly (elderly) are more exposed to risk of heart disease. But nowadays, many young people who are suffering from heart disease because of a shift in lifestyle, including in terms of daily food consumption. If you want your heart always healthy, then konsumsilah the various types of healthy foods for the heart:

1. high fiber grains

In consuming the staple food source of carbohydrates, you should choose foods that are sourced from whole-grains rich in fiber because it is a food that is healthy for the heart. These foods among others, namely wheat, brown rice, and corn. The food is composed of karobohidrat complex which makes it somewhat longer absorbed by the body so that it is suitable for a diet to lose weight. With an ideal weight of course can lower the risk of developing heart disease. The seeds also contain other nutrients needed by the body, among others, namely protein, B vitamins, iron, zinc, magnesium, and antioxidants.

2. Nuts

Nuts is a healthy food for the heart because it contains vegetable fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. Types of nuts that are beneficial for heart health, among others, namely green beans, almonds, beans, walnuts, beans, long beans, hazelnuts and cashews. The fatty acids contained in the nuts was good fatty acids that are beneficial to the heart and blood vessels. In addition the nuts also contain vitamin E that can be beneficial to dissolve bad cholesterol.
. Garlic

Kitchen spice this one apparently is also one kind of healthy food for the heart. Consumption of garlic can keep blood pressure remained stable and can lower cholesterol. Moreover garlic can also be used as a substitute seasoning salt. As we know the excess consumption of salt can raise blood pressure and weight so that it can increase the risk of heart disease. Garlic can be blended into food or it would be better if eaten raw and in consumption on a regular basis.

4. Green tea

Healthy food for the heart of the next one that is green tea. Maybe you are more acquainted with green tea as a slimming body. It turns out that based on the research results, regular consumption of green tea can also lower the risk of heart disease. But to remember, do not be excessive consumption, simply just 2 cups per day. Because of excessive consumption of tea in a long time thus may increase the risk of developing kidney stones.

5. Fish oil

Different types of fish such as tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout, and mackerel, contain oil useful for heart health. Fish oil contains essential nutrients for healthy blood vessels, such as the EPA, DHA, and omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil is cholesterol-lowering foods, namely by way of increasing the HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and lower LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein). The fish consumption can also stabilize blood pressure and prevent blood clotting.

6. Wine

The grapes is a healthy food for the heart because it contains fiber and substance quercetin and catechin. Based on research, substance quercetin can act to protect blood vessels from clogging. Whereas catechin substances can serve to lower cholesterol and prevent blood clotting. In addition, wine is also rich in antioxidants which can act to prevent cell damage due to free radicals.

7. Apple

Consuming apples regularly turns out to also be able to maintain the health of your heart. Apple is a healthy food for the heart because it contains a substance beta glucan that can lower cholesterol and also contain pectin which is a soluble fiber that may help lower blood pressure and blood sugar. As with wine, apples also contain antioxidants and quercetin which is also very to heart.

8. Berries

The berries apparently also a healthy food for the heart because it can lower the risk of heart attack terjandinya. The berries are rich in fiber and antioxidants, acted to reduce bad cholesterol, and blood sugar control. That included the berries among others i.e. strawberries, blueberi, blackberi, and rasberi.
In addition to consuming healthy food for the heart as we mentioned above, it is no less important is to apply a pattern of healthy living. The pattern of healthy living is, among others, namely by reducing foods that contain lots of fat as well as glucose, avoid smoking and alcohol, maintain a fixed weight to ideal, consuming more fruit and vegetables, drinking enough water, and exercising regularly. You should also avoid lazy lifestyle, more physical activities for lah. A simple example of that is doing more walking, cycling or climbing stairs rather than take the elevator when was in the building with the intended floor-floor can be affordable. Although it looks simple, it can lower the risk of heart disease.

You need to be wary if you have signs or symptoms that lead to heart disease. The symptoms often experienced by sufferers of heart disease among other i.e. chest pain, heart palpitations, frequent headaches, often out of cold sweat, sore or stiff neck and shoulders, it's easy to feel tired, bloating and nausea, shortness of breath, swelling in some members of the body, and sexual dysfunction can occur. Heart disease is a disease that can potentially cause death suddenly, so that the control factors cause early and immediately see a doctor if you experience symptoms that lead to heart disease.