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Benefits Of Dragon Fruit For Expectant Mothers Who Need To Know

benefits of Dragon fruit for pregnant women do not need to doubt. The content of vitamins and minerals in fruit is beneficial to the develop...

Throat Pain when swallowing? This is the cause and how to overcome it

Pain when swallowing is a condition of inconvenience which occurs when a person swallows. The usual symptoms are felt on the upper neck area to esophageal or packed, not seldom pain spread to the end of branching bronchi in the chest area. It is common in children up to adults. The following will describe in about the cause of pain in the throat when swallowing and how to overcome it.

Some causes of Throat Pain while Swallowing
Swallowing activity itself is a complex process because it involves more than 30 nerves and muscles in the neck area. This process differs between ingesting solid foods and liquids. Some of the causes of the occurrence of pain when swallowing, among others:

Pharyngitis or sore throat
Pharyngitis or sore throat occurs if the occurrence of viral infections or bacteria on the walls of the throat. Signs of infection usually accompanied by redness and swelling in the throat, fever, diniding looks yellowish white patch anyway and this causes pain when swallowing. Streptococcal bacteria are tersering which causes pharyngitis in children and adults.

Tonsillitis or Tonsillitis
The cause of tonsillitis is almost the same with strep throat. The tonsils or tonsils are lymph glands, its position is on the left and right side of the tengorokan cavity. It has the function of first defense against bacteria and viruses. Fever, swelling and redness on the tonsils will look if the child or you suffer from tonsillitis.

Cuts in the oral cavity and throat
Injuries that occur in the oral cavity and throat usually occurs due to the consumption of food or drink that is too hot. This can be the cause of pain when swallowing.

Diphtheria Infection
Corynebacterium diphtheria is a type of bacterium that causes diphtheria. Diphtheria and contagious and very easy to attack children first when vaccine never before. If these bacteria infect, it will seem thick gray patches on the throat and the tonsils. From the outside it will look neck and cheeks swollen and bluish. Patients with the condition are not only experiencing difficulty diphtheria swallowing due to eating, but may also be at risk of death.

Infection of HSV and CMV
HSV (herpes simplex virus) and CMV (cytomegalovirus) is the cause of the infection and throat pain while swallowing another type of virus. It usually strikes people-people with the condition of the patient's immune system disorders such as HIV/AIDS or lupus. It will look like sores canker sores and white patches widen along the esophageal or packed, if bacteria invades CMV and HSV your throat.

A foreign object Stuck in the throat
Foreign objects such as a thorn stuck in the throat can be the cause of the occurrence of pain when swallowing. Take care – when consuming foodstuffs that are at risk of piercing the throat like spines of fish or chicken bones.

Infection in the tooth or Gums
Infection of the area of the teeth and gums may also be one of the causes of throat pain while swallowing. This can occur because the center of defense against infection or lymph glands are part of the oral cavity are at throat area, namely the organs of the tonsils. So when the tooth or gums suffered infections, these glands will join to swell and cause pain when swallowing.

Stomach Acid
If your ulcer sufferers or high levels of stomach acid, then the feeling of pain when swallowing can you feel chest to throat starting up even to the ear hole. This is due to the occurrence of reflux or gastric fluid to return to eat, due to the weakening of the valve in the stomach. It is also a cause of occurrence of burning feeling in the chest area.

How to overcome a Sore Throat when swallowing
Once you know the various causes of occurrence of inconvenience in the throat when swallowing, the following will be discussed some ways to treat and prevent infection, avoiding the spread of infection:

Honey and Lemon
Honey and lemon is believed can help menyembuhan all sorts of ailments including a sore throat when swallowing. You can use the juice of one lemon together with 2 teaspoons of honey in a glass of warm water, rutinkan drink in the morning when your stomach is still empty. Make sure also that you buy honey is honey.

Antibiotics or antiviral drugs
When pain conditions swallow felt very disturbing and cannot be lost once you try with herbs, come to the doctor and consult your condition. The doctor will carefully examine the cause and will prescribe the right antibiotics or antiviral and dose to suit your needs. Never buy antibiotics being sold freely and consumption without prescription of doctors.

Avoid Some types of foods that can cause an infection in the throat
Some types of food especially the many preservatives and artificial flavorings or sweeteners would be very easy to irritate and infect your throat. Make sure the food you eat is healthy and away from ingredients that are harmful to the health of you and your family.

Avoid smoking and cigarette smoke
The activity of smoking and exposure to cigarette smoke is highly irritating to the respiratory tract and digestive tract. The channel has a throat irritated skin will be prone to perlukaan, and the bacteria and viruses can easily infect. Avoid as much as possible a very detrimental activities.

Avoid Alcohol and liquor
Alcohol is a substance that is very dangerous and can damage almost all major organs in the human body. On the throat, alcohol will cause the drying of mucosa or skin surface and throat will be easy going irritation afterwards. As regards its effects the mucous rook, irritated skin will be easy to wound and bacteria or viruses will infect.  Consumption of alcohol and drinks is also a trigger for the occurrence of cancer in the throat area and digestive organs.

Avoid Using the same eating or drinking
If your family there who experienced coughing or throat pain when swallowing, beware of the disease transmission may occur through saliva or dahaknya. Use different glasses, and always sterilkan or wash clean cutlery and drink that has been used by someone who is ill. Because bacterial infections like diphtheria, and viruses such as HSV and CMV will very easily transmitted through eating or drinking infected saliva.

Body health relies heavily with food or drinks that you consume. So it is advised to carefully choose food or drinks that you will insert into the body. Make sure the expiration date as well as materials that become a recipe in the food or drinks. Healthy and balanced food consumption can help maintain optimal health of you and your family.

Such information about the causes of a sore throat when swallowing, as well as some tips to treat and prevent the occurrence of infection or spread of infection that can occur. We wish you and your family are always healthy and avoid prolonged throat pain. Healthy greeting!

12 Young Coconut water Benefits for pregnant women and fetus

Young coconut water benefits for pregnant women is very diverse, ranging from lowering blood pressure to increase the body's metabolism. Young coconut water is indeed known to have myriad benefits. Not only the abundance of benefits on young coconut water, it feels fresh, can replace the body fluids lost during activity. Speaking of the young coconut water, here are the benefits to mothers who are pregnant.

12 Young Coconut water Benefits for pregnant women
Before commenting on the benefits of young coconut water for pregnant women, you have to know there are two types of coconut milk, green coconut water and coconut milk. The difference is the Green coconut water comes from a young coconut fruit with husk in it that is still somewhat pink colored tanned when peeled. Here are some of the benefits.

Restore Body Fluids
As explained earlier, young coconut water helps restore the body fluids are lost. High electrolyte content in it can help the body get daily fluid intake is sufficient.

For pregnant women, usually they often feel dehydrated due to her being pregnant. When dehydration is not soon resolved, then the mother may experience fatigue, cramps, headache, and fever. With natural electrolyte content in young coconut water, then the problem of dehydration and muscle spasms or cramps can soon be overcome.

Help The Digestive Process
Young coconut water benefits for pregnant women is helping the digestion process. Usually pregnant mothers may experience disruption in their digestive process as slow digesting food, diarrhea, and constipation. With a digestive function is maintained, then the condition of pregnant women will stay in top shape.

Not only that, all substances are poisons in the body can be cleaned through the urine. This is because in addition to the electrolyte, young coconut water also have natural diuretic properties that are able to sterilize all the harmful toxins in the body.

There are also other content on young coconut water is lauric acid. Lauric acid is a type of acid that is nutritious help fight various diseases that are trying to get into the immune system. Mothers who are pregnant have the resilience of vulnerable body stricken with the disease. To that end, consuming young coconut water is very good for pregnant women.

Increasing Good Cholesterol
Young coconut water has also been proven to increase levels of HDL or good cholesterol in the body. With young coconut water benefits for pregnant women, the disorder disease because cholesterol can be prevented. Because pregnant women tend to have a risk of developing high cholesterol levels, especially when the food that is consumed.

Lowering Blood Pressure
When high blood pressure is dangerous for pregnant women and the fetus in the womb. For that, the best solution that can be done is taking young coconut water to stabilize blood pressure. This is because there is the content of potassium in a young coconut water.

Provide A Source Of Energy
Young coconut water benefits for pregnant women the other is as a primary source of energy daily. As we know, pregnant women are more easily feel tired because of the changing process of the body while being pregnant. By taking young coconut water which is rich in glucose, then daily activities can be carried out smoothly.

In utilizing young coconut water as a source of daily energy consumption, just one glass of young coconut water daily. But if pregnant women difficult to get young coconut water, then konsumsilah when the body is experiencing fatigue. The taste of fresh young coconut water will easily restore the stamina of the body. (read also: food for expectant mothers terimester first)

Intake of Vitamins C and B
The content of vitamin C in young coconut water is also quite high. The mother was in need of an adequate daily intake of vitamin, one of which was vitamin c. This is because vitamin C can provide benefits such as preventing various diseases, adds to the durability of the body, and be a natural anti oxidant substances. This is one of the young coconut water benefits for expectant mothers should know.

Not just vitamin C, young coconut water also contain vitamin b. as for the benefits of vitamin B to the pregnant body is a network of ib that are damaged can be replaced quickly.

Drugs Aging
Every pregnant women naturally want to keep performing interesting despite being pregnant. A sense of tired and stress that is sometimes experienced by pregnant women to be one of the causes of the body or the face quickly seem old. To this end, young coconut water is beneficial to pregnant mothers in terms of updating cells in the body.

With benefits like that, then young coconut water can also be used to reduce and prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen. Because stretch marks is a problem experienced by the vast majority of pregnant women.

Maintain Heart Health
There are other nutritious content from young coconut water which must be known. That question is the content of magnesium and potassium. Potassium and magnesium have benefits for maintaining heart health of mothers during pregnancy. With a heart condition who are still awake, so any risks that may arise for either the mother or the fetus due to unstable heart conditions can be overcome.

Prevent Blockage Of Blood
Efficacy of young coconut water for pregnant women can prevent problems next is a blockage of blood vessels. The blockage of a blood vessel is not in spite of the high content of bad cholesterol in the body. To fight bad cholesterol, this young coconut water function increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. Not only good for pregnant women, the effectiveness is also important for anyone.

Cope With Excess Body Weight
One of the things that is feared by pregnant women is excess body weight. It might be a reasonable thing if the mother experienced weight gain. With young coconut water consumption proved to be low in calories and fat, the body will still be able to maintain the conditions ideally.

The Health Of The Fetus
Not only therapeutic for expectant mothers, young coconut water can also maintain the health of the fetus that is being conceived. This is because there are nutrients in the coconut water so that the fetus will remain in good health. In addition, coconut water can also increase amniotic water production in the belly of pregnant women. In doing so, then the health of the fetus will stay awake.

Lowering The Risk Of Diabetes Gestasional
Diabetes gestasional is a type of diabetes mellitus which will strike during the pregnancy until childbirth. The disease is indeed directly attacked pregnant women, but if not prevented and given proper handling, fetal health conditions will also be threatened. Young coconut water is also one of the fruits that can decrease the risk of diabetes, so it is very good for pregnant women and the fetus.

That's some young coconut water benefits for pregnant women. After knowing the benefits of coconut water, then it is recommended for every pregnant mother makes coconut water as a healthy drink daily. But when you get a young coconut, hard enough to drink young coconut water as much as 2 to 3 times a week until birth. May be useful.

How to deal with the agency without sports: Healthy Diet Nutrition Balanced

Many people are looking for ways to deal with the agency without a sport because of one or two things. The reason most often disclosed is the difficulty of finding free time to work-out in the middle of the bustle and daily routine. Ideally the limited time is not a reason for someone to miss the sport because physical activity can be ' inserted ' on our daily lifestyles, such as cycling to school or work, Park the vehicle some distance from the place of work so as to allow us to walk, climb stairs instead of selecting elevator, gardening, or doing homework that requires that we move the body. To that end, the sport remains to be done.

However, while fostering motivation in yourself to do physical activity adekuat, you can do another way to create the sleek bodies, i.e. by consuming healthy food. Consume healthy foods not only aims to deal with diet or body, but furthermore to help individuals beating a variety of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, digestive problems, fatigue, depression, hormonal imbalance, and prevent cancer.

The benefits of healthy foods as one way to deal with the agency without Sports
Healthy foods are ' cure ' the body in different ways. First, a healthy diet will help to reduce the occurrence of inflammation in the body. Most of the diseases that attack our body is because destructive inflammatory cells and arterial walls so as to trigger the disease high blood pressure, cholesterol, uric acid, and digestive disorders. In the process of inflammation in the body is reduced, the body's ability to recover from various kinds of diseases will increase.

Second, a healthy diet will make the body is alkaline. Ideally the pH of the body is approximately 7.36. A glass of soda has a pH of 2.5. When we drink it, our bodies will require about 30 cups of water for menetralkannya. Green vegetables can also help neutralize the acidic condition in the body. By restoring the body's pH should ideally, the cells of the body can easily regenerate so that the body is easily recovered from various kinds of diseases.

In addition can be used as one way to deal with the agency without exercise, healthy food also plays an important role for maintaining blood sugar levels body ideal. In addition, consuming healthy food will make it easier to remove the poison the rest of the body metabolism. Poison the rest of metabolism is the major cause of the instability of the hormones in the body and autoimmune diseases. Facilitate the spending of toxins from the body will help the body to avoid chronic headaches, hypothyroid, and fertility problems.

The principle of the arrangement of the healthy foods as a way to deal with the agency without Sports
Healthy food diet and that aims to improve the health of the body as a whole should be composed of fat source of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates with low Glycemic levels in the form of fruits and vegetables. Percentage of food is the third each of 33%. Here is the explanation:

Source of protein without the fat
Despite being on a diet, protein intake should still be retained to preserve muscle mass. In addition, the protein is the glut of nutrients. Consumption of foods high in protein can burn 80 – 100 calories each day. Increase your protein intake to 25 – 30 percent calorie needs can suppress the desire to eat is amounting 60%, reduce the desire for snacking at night (not suitable, for those of you who are looking for ways to deal with the agency without a sport?), and lower weight by as much as 0.5 per week.

One source of protein is meat. It has been a lot of research that shows that meat consumption is closely related to cancer and heart disease. The solution, choose lean meats. In addition to the meat, you can try the fish and eggs. Fish such as tuna and salmon has a good quality protein. In addition, tuna and salmon loaded will nutrients your body needs healthy fat such as and iodium. Iodium is a substance the body needs to maintain the function of the thyroid gland, which plays an important role to run the body's metabolism.

In addition to any protein-rich eggs also contain healthy fats. Research shows that women who consumed eggs for breakfast make them more full and eat less in the next 36 hours ahead. Thus, the consumption of eggs can be utilized as one way to deal with the agency without the sport.

Healthy fats
On the previous points have been mentioned that fish contain healthy fats, especially some types of fish such as salmon or mackerel. Salmon is a source of omega 3 fatty acids and 6. You can cultivate salmon in different ways. You can bake it or make it smoked fish with a little lemon and then serve with asparagus, hmm ... not only delicious on the tongue, but also healthy.

As with any fish, salmon, mackerel can be an alternative healthy food options for you. The kinds of fish is very suitable for those who are in the diet program but would like to still feel full. The content of fatty acids omega 3 and 6 in it not only keep the body remain slim, but also retain brain function so you can have better concentration ability.

Examples of other healthy fat is olive oil. Olive oil is a source of unsaturated fat that can delay hunger, so the food is suitable You consider as one way to deal with the agency without the sport. In addition, olive oil naturally contains a chemical compound called oleic acid, which can help break down excess fat in the body. Fat countered with fat. Interesting isn't it?

Fruits and vegetables
A glass of warm water mixed with lemon juice in the morning, can help streamline the process of detoxification. For breakfast, you can replace Your rice with some portion of fruit such as pears, bananas, pineapple, papaya, and Avocados. Only later in the day you can eat as usual, so also in the evening. This proven method as a way to deal with the agency without the sport.

Pears, as well as other types of fruit, contain natural sugars that make us avoid eating snack craving sweets. The fruit is rich in fiber, so help You full longer. The pineapple is a typical tropical fruit has a sweet and sour flavor blend that fit. Pineapple helps the production of digestive enzymes, thus preventing the occurrence of stomach bloating and even reduce the risk of someone developing GERD.

Papaya contains papain enzyme, which plays the digest protein. This enzyme also helps break down the food more quickly. That's why this fruit has a particular reputation as a natural remedy for constipation. If you experience a sensation of discomfort in your digestive system, you can menetralkannya with the avocado, which is also a source of potassium that is instrumental in setting the body's fluid balance.

In addition to food ingredients mentioned above, don't forget the green leafy vegetables. One serving of Greens such as collards or spinach are rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, yet at the same time low calorie so it can meet the needs of the body's nutrients without causing weight gain.

How to deal with the agency without a sport that has been described above will be more efficacious if you also avoid food ingredients such as canned food, ketchup, mayonnaise, tomato sauce, white bread, biscuits, soft drink and other processed foods. Not only is the food ingredients can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, but also closely related to the incidence of various diseases such as diaberes, heart disease, and cancer. Good luck!

Recognize The Characteristics Of Breast Cancer As Early As Possible

If any lumps in the breast are the characteristics of breast cancer? Breast cancer is included in one of the most frequent causes of death befalls women. In the United States, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer occur in women. One in eight women in the country are suffering from breast cancer. While in Indonesia, breast cancer is a type of cancer most patients on inpatient/hospital across the road in Indonesia. As quoted from the Data Center and information Ministry of health Indonesia, breast cancer is the cancer with the highest percentage of new cases, i.e. of 43.3%. Ironically, about 70 percent of new breast cancer patients came to health facilities are at an advanced stage.

There are several different types of breast cancer, seen from the capabilities of each type to spread (metastasize) to other tissues of the body. There is a type of breast cancer called ductal carcinoma in situ, which did not spread to the surrounding tissues of the body and therefore has a very high cure rate though it manifests clinically as a distinctive feature of breast cancer.

Another type of breast cancer that was originally grown in the breast tissue, and then spread to the surrounding tissues. This is called minimally invasive ductal carcinoma, which is a type of breast cancer that is most plentiful, the percentage is about 80%. There is also a breast cancer that begins with the growth of cancer cells in the mammary glands. This type of breast cancer called invasive lobular carcinoma, with a much lower incidence that is only 10%.

Identify The Characteristics Of The Following Breast Cancer
To enforce the breast cancer diagnosis, the doctor will need to perform checks using mammograms (women aged 45 years are advised to undergo examination by mammogram each year until reaching the age of 54, while women aged 55 years are advised to undergo examination by mammogram two years). However, prior to the examination the doctor will ask if a woman has signs and symptoms that indicate breast cancer characteristics as listed below:

Lump in breast
As has been mentioned earlier in the article, one of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer the most easily observed are the incidence of lumps on the breasts and/or underarm. Bumps that appear will be palpable hard or thick. In addition to the lump, breast also may experience swelling and redness. The color of the skin on the breast can also become increasingly dark. A lump in the breast of this could also be followed by swelling of the lymph nodes in the neck or armpit.

Out the liquid from the nipple
In principle, if a woman is not breastfeeding (or third-trimester pregnant where usually the ASI had started out) then all the liquid out of the nipple is considered an anomaly, no matter what its color (clear or reddish) . The nipples may also be blisters. In addition a woman will probably feel pain in specific areas of her breasts that are not also lost.

Therefore, breast self examination (AWARE) done when a woman not currently menstruating. Because if it is done at the time of menstruation, it will be difficult to distinguish whether a particular sensation felt in the breast is because PMS or because there is a malignancy. To identify the characteristics of a typical breast cancer, do REALIZE when you are not menstruating.

Change the shape and/or size of the breasts or nipples
Observe your breast shape or size, if there is an unnatural enlargement. Observe Your nipples also. One of the signs and symptoms of breast cancer breast nipple is retracted into the (certainly different the case with women who always has an early form of the breast nipples does have such). In addition, the nipples will seem flaky and feels itching or rash appears.

Changes in skin texture
The skin of the breast generally have a slick and chewy texture. To ascertain if you have signs and symptoms of breast cancer, amatilah your breast skin texture. You have to beware of is when the breast skin change arise wrinkles, grooved, or being rude like orange peel.

Early signs and symptoms of breast cancer in General is not easily recognizable. That is why it is important to mammogram checkups to detect cancer at a very early still stase. In fact, some cases of breast cancer are already advanced does not always manifest certain signs and symptoms. However, there is no harm in breast self examination (AWARE) done, not when the origin of menstruation and not close to the time of menstruation (either before or after).

After Learning The Characteristics Of Breast Cancer, To Understand The Causes Of Breast Cancer Following
Everyone has what we call by a factor of risk to suffer from certain diseases. If anyone has any of these risk factors, it does not mean he will definitely experience the disease at a later date. However, it is likely he was to experience the greater disease compared to people who do not have risk factors.

In principle, the cancer occurs when the cells of the body that normally undergo DNA mutations so that they become malignant. Causes of cancer to date not yet known for sure. But there are some risk factors, that if one or more of which are attached to the individual, the individual is likely to be stricken with cancer will be greater. Similarly with breast cancer.

There are several risk factors that we cannot change, such as age. The older the age a woman is, the higher the risk of developing breast cancer. In addition, genes included in the risk factors that we cannot change. Two types of genes known as BRCA1 and BRCA2 magnifies the risk of someone showed signs of breast cancer. These genes are passed down. In other words, a woman who has a family member with a history of breast or ovarian cancer mandatory self checked because it could be he has a "cancer marker genes".

The third risk factor cannot be modified or changed is the age when first getting menstruate (menarche) and age when menopause. A group of women who first menstruation before age 12 years, or those whose menopause after age 55 have a higher risk for developing cancer of the breast.

In addition to the risk factors that can not be changed, there are some risk factors for breast cancer that can be modified such as obesity, use of hormone replacement therapy, using birth control pills, drinking alcohol, and have no children or have the first child over the age of 35 years. By understanding the risk factors of breast cancer incidence can be controlled and prevented.

While aware of the characteristics of breast cancer, at the same time we must also undertake preventive measures to avoid the disease. Back to a healthy lifestyle is the easiest solution we can try. Eimbangkan (S) nutrition, (E), nyahkan (H) indari, (A) the mbil/check your blood pressure regularly, and (T) eratur exercise. Banyak-banyaklah consume vegetables and fruits as these two types of food can be a natural antioxidant free radical capturer causes cancer in our bodies. Healthy living greetings!

This is why the fruit of the date palm is very beneficial for pregnant women

Consumption of the fruit of the date palm is very beneficial for pregnant women. Yes! It is true that this fruit is very rich in benefits and renowned as Prophet, fruit has been cultivated since 6000 years BCE. containing lots of content of nutrients and minerals. Arab community makes the fruit dates as one of the staple foods, while in Indonesia itself the fruit of the date palm is served as a complementary fruit especially in anyone for Muslims fasting.

The flesh of the fruit its sweet taste and black hides a wide variety of content the nutritional value is important for pregnant women. The following will be presented information about the content in the fruit of the date palm and its benefits, as well as tips in consuming fruit dates during pregnancy.

Nutrient content of the fruit of the date palm and its benefits for pregnant women
Although for some the fruit of the date Palm has a taste too sweet, yet consume the fruit of the date Palm has been proven to be safe and very beneficial to the mother and the fetus in the womb. Fructose, is a derivative of sugar contained in fruit of the date Palm has easily absorbed by cells in the body before it got raises sugar levels in the blood. The following interesting facts about biological nutrients per 100 grams of the fruit of the date palm and its benefits for pregnant women:

Sources of Energy (277 kcal)
During pregnancy is very important to consume healthy foods that can help the mother to keep the body stay healthy and avoid fatigue. Consume sufficient amounts of Palm fruit will add sugar reserves in your body without adding to the total amount of calories from the foods you consume. So no need to fear the fat when you regularly consume the fruit of dates during their pregnancy.

Fiber or fibre (2.7 g)
Constipation or constipation, is a common problem that often occurs in pregnant women. Fiber content in the fruit of the date palm can help you avoid these symptoms. Other benefits by consuming the fruit of the date palm which is rich in fiber, you will not be hungry, quickly lowering the bad cholesterol in the blood can even keep you to always be in the ideal weight during pregnancy.

Protein (1.8 g)
The protein in the fruit of the date palm helps your body to produce the amino acid which is very useful in cell repair and support the full growth of the fetus in the womb.

Folate (15 mcg)
Content of folate in the fruit of the date palm prevent the occurrence of abnormalities of the fetus in the womb. It is so in touch with his brain and nerve growth.

Iron (0.9 mg)
Iron in the fruit of the date palm is urgently needed to prevent pregnant women from anemia or a lack of red blood cells during pregnancy. These substances bind to hemoglobin in the body and will raise the immune system or defense of the disease, both in the mother and fetus.

Vitamin K (mcg 2.7)
New born babies, Vitamin K would be very low. So this Vitamin injections will be directly given to the infant shortly after birth. With the consumption of the fruit of the date palm in the amount of enough by the mother during conceived, ASI will be rich in this Vitamin. So with that lactating women, levels of Vitamin K in the body of the baby will increase. Vitamin K function as blood clotting substances and supporters in bone growth.

Magnesium (54 mg)
Magnesium is a mineral substance forming one of the teeth and bones on the baby. Besides magnesium also functions as a regulator of sugar and blood pressure. The condition of the magnesium deficiency during pregnancy may be at risk of the occurrence of kidney disorders or other illnesses that are associated with the failure of kidney function in the fetus.

Potassium (696 mg)
Potassium is also known by the chemical name Potassium. It is the third largest mineral in the human body. This is a key mineral water and salt balance, regulates blood pressure and enough potassium content will prevent pregnant women from the onset of muscle cramps during pregnancy.

Cholesterol (0.2 g)
The cholesterol contained in 100 grams of the fruit of the date palm is very minimal. Even the beta-glucan content in the fruit of the date palm is capable of binding bad cholesterol as well as throw it out of the body through the process of eksresi. So the consumption of the fruit of the date palm can help lower cholesterol levels that surpass the normal.

Tips in the Palm Fruit Consumption during pregnancy
After learning a variety of information about the content of the substances in the fruit of the date palm, the following will review about tips to consume fruit dates during your pregnancy:

It is safe to be consumed at each of the stages of Pregnancy
The fruit of the date palm is very safe to be consumed at every stage of the pregnancy. But still with sufficient amounts and not excessive. In the first trimester dates can help prevent constipation, increase the energy when the mother is not able to eat because of the occurrence of nausea in early pregnancy.

In the second trimester pregnant mothers to have diabetes gestasional diabetes or due to pregnancy is very high. So consult a doctor, how much fruit is ideal for dates that you can consume during this period. Because nothing good of everything that is consumed in excess.

The third trimester is the right time to consume the fruit of the date palm. Because the content of the other i.e. oxytocin, will help give birth to process quickly and easily. The recommended amount is 6 seeds fruit of the date palm and starting at 36 weeks of pregnancy, or one month before the day of labor estimates.

Presentation Of The Fruit Of The Date Palm
During pregnancy, if the direct fruit consumption grew tired of the dates, you can do variations in serving. Various fruit juice will taste the more delicious and nutritious when mixed with the fruit of the date palm. In addition to the Palm fruit juice can be used as a sweetener in salads, mix or dried bread and cake decorating or combine with milk and yogurt.

No need to be confused by the different types of the fruit of the date palm
There are myriad types and texture of the fruit of the date palm which is sold in the market. For the kind of mushy or soft fruit tends to indicate the dates are rich in mineral content. Dates semi-dry type contains a lower sugar levels and chewy when chewing. Whereas dried dates is widely used for decorating the cake and the bread is dry.

Any type and texture of the fruit of the date Palm will not reduce nutrient richness and benefits contained in the flesh of the fruit. This fruit can be your choice for a healthy and tasty snacks during pregnancy.

In addition to the tangible benefits we've know together from the above information, the fruit of the date palm is a fruit that is very special. It is referred to twelve times in the Qur'an, the Holy Book of the Muslims. Even before the various studies done to date palm fruit, God had first mentioned the fruit of the date palm as a remedy from all kinds of diseases. Still want to cast doubt on the benefits of this fruit?

Thus information on nutrient content and the benefits of the fruit of the date palm is for pregnant women. As well as a few tips in choice of time consumption, the type and variety of food that could be in the mix with the fruit of the date palm. May be useful and good luck.

The easy way to do a Kegel Exercisers for women

Carrying out kegel exercisers for women has a variety of benefits. Especially for a woman who has abilities in the system berkemihnya. Symptoms of decline in the ability to control the ability of micturition in health terms is called urinary incontinence.

The conditions of the urinary incontinence experienced by 30 – 40% of women at a young age, and was increased to 50% in women of advanced age. This can occur due to several factors, among others, the factors age, habits of heavy weights, overweight or obesity, pregnancy and gave birth to both normal as well as with the caesarean section will be triggered a decline in the ability to control the muscles the lower pelvis.

If you're a woman, pelvic muscle down it does not you can see directly, but this muscle can be driven consciously and can be trained just like any muscle of the upper arm.

Find a Pelvic Muscle bottom in Kegel Exercisers for women
It is very important for you to know and find the exact location of the muscles of the pelvic bottom before carrying out gymnastics and reaching maximum effectiveness of the kegel exercisers.

How to find the lower pelvic muscles is most easily position your self to sit or sleep on a mattress or terlentang trays. With closed his eyes, let your focus on the area of micturition or femininity, pull the breath in and move the pelvic muscle contractions, like your bottom bracket or squeeze, hold for 5 seconds and then release. Avoid moving the muscles of the thighs, buttocks and abdomen because of the lower pelvis muscles do not cover these areas.

Another way to find your pelvic muscles bottom is when you're micturition. Try to hold back the flow of urine that comes out, then release the prisoners and let the urine flow. The location where the prisoner You give is the location where the lower pelvic muscles. Rehearse this way once in a week, so as not to interfere with the normal process of discharge of urine in the bladder.

Once you can determine the position of the lower pelvic muscles with kegel gymnastics is true, then for women can be trained further.

How do I Easily Implement Kegel Exercisers for women?
Kegel exercisers for women can be done easily and at any time. The basic movement is carried out with a position on her back. Movement variations can be implemented with the help of a chair while working in the Office, while relaxing watching television or listening to music, even while driving. Kegel exercisers have a basic concept of contraction and movement. The following are served 7 easy steps of carrying out kegel exercisers for women:

Position the body on her back on the floor with the position of the shoulders and the head pillow AIDS report.
Position the hands are on the side of the body with palms-down to touch the floor.
Open wide legs around 30 cm, bend the knee with the position of the soles of the feet touching the floor.
Hold the contraction with movement, or squeeze the muscles around the pelvic bottom
Avoid straining or moving her thigh muscles, buttocks, and abdomen on this basic movement
For slow movements, pelvic muscles kontraksikan bottom with slowly and continuously for 5 seconds, release the prisoners and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat the movement as much as five times and then increase gradually until it reaches 10 seconds on the movement of contraction and relax.
For quick movement, pelvic muscles kontraksikan down for 1 second and then remove the 1 second. Repeat this movement for five times. And as slow motion, perbanyaklah of Deuteronomy quick contractions gradually.

Regular exercise with proper target but gives a good effect to the pelvic muscles ability under you. Have a neat schedule and reminders to help you practice. As well as doing the evaluation in the month to 3.

When you need to visit a doctor, physiotherapist or ask the nurse if You after 3 months doing kegel exercises easy way for this woman your condition failed to improve. Practice make it perfect and consistency is the key to success!

Movement is a variation of the Kegel Exercisers for women
Besides the basic movement of kegel exercisers. There is some movement variations that you can try to perform a (source: lasealwin).

The first technique
Sitting on a mattress with a knot rests on the heels, and put your hands behind your back
The widening distance above the mattress, thrust her hips forward basic movement do kegel (flank or squeezing the muscles of the pelvic floor) one lap
After finishing lower hips and repeat several times for maximum results
The second technique
Position the body sits on a pedestal, put your hands on your hips, legs and straightens the widening (open a little wider than the hips) with the tip of the toe facing to the fore
Push the hips up and let the head decomposes and while implementing a basic kegel movement (a bracket or squeezing the muscles of the pelvic floor) one lap
Repeat several times for maximum results
Common mistakes in carrying out Kegel Exercisers for women
The results showed as many as 50% of women are not capable of completing the kegel gymnastics well with only verbal instructions or written instructions only. Here are a few common errors and solutions to address them.

Using the wrong muscles
A true kegel exercisers don't use thigh muscles, stomach and buttocks. Patiently practice You will be able to distinguish the lower pelvic muscles that should be in use in this kegel exercisers. If still in doubt, consult your doctor, Your nurse or physiotherapist.

No variation
Variation in do kegel gymnastics sorely needed to obtain maximum results. Slow motion and fast motion, at the combine with first and second techniques.

Don't set timetables and targets nothing much
It is very important to have a schedule and target close in pelaksanakan kegel exercisers for women. Contractions are too little will not provide a positive effect, and too often will cause fatigue and pain in the muscles of the pelvic bottom.

Less consistent
The best schedule to practice kegel gymnastics is 5 – 10 minutes shortly after waking up in the morning. This time it consistently to get maximum results.

Too soon to give up before looking results
Many women start kegel exercisers with expect instant results. But it takes at least 3 months of consistency and gradual in order to get good results.

Based on the function of the pelvic muscles anatomisnya down not only serves to regulate urinary tract elasticity. This muscle also set the muscles of your femininity. Carrying out kegel exercisers for women are routinely proven to be able to assist in tightening the area of femininity. Kegel gymnastics is also one of the safe pregnancy gymnastics, recommended and helped the process of childbirth. So the article on how to easily implement kegel exercisers for women. Good luck!