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Diet with lemon to get Ideal Body

For those of you who want to do the diet, activities must have been familiar with how a diet with lemon. This is because lemon is known as one of the natural ingredients for a diet that is proven to be very powerful in helping the process of absorption of food and meluruhkan of fat in the body.

As we know that diet does indeed become one of the most appropriate measures to keep the weight of the body to stay healthy. Because the body with an ideal weight will be more difficult, especially that of developing related to obesity. Not only that, has the ideal body will also make you look more interesting. Back in the reviews about the diets use lemon, on this occasion will be discussed about how to do it and what benefits you can get.

How to do the Diet with lemon right
Although there have been many people who know that lemon is a natural ingredients to help the process of burning fat in the body, but only a few who understand how to apply this diet program. For that, you can read on how to properly do the diet using lemons here:

Check The Condition Of The Stomach First
The first thing to really note is about the condition of Your stomach. Why? This is because the diet using lime juice is not recommended for those who have gastric problems such as ulcers.

For sufferers of gastritis, acid substances content too high on the lime juice will make you experience a variety of digestive problems to result in the emergence of unbearable pain in a part of the stomach. Therefore, it is recommended that You checked the condition of Your stomach first before doing step diet with lemon.

Select the Lemons are Ripened
The second way is to simply select a ripe lemon only. This is because vitamin C and acidic substances on young lemon too much, conversely, old lime juice will lose a lot of useful content in it. In addition, the lemon with the appropriate kematang contain nutrients called Citrus Aurantifolia is ideal for meluruhkan of fat in the body.

To select a ripe lime is not so difficult. You do not need to memerhatikanukurannya. Just look at the color of the skin of the lemon as well as hard or whether the lemon. Lemons are ripened already has a green skin color somewhat cooked and tender when pressed.

How To Diet Using Lime
About how to diet with lemon can actually be done in various ways. It can be tailored to each person's body condition. But the easiest way do the diets use lemon is by mengonsumsinya each morning and evening.

In the morning, you can prepare 2 to 3 lemon fruit. Squeeze the lime juice and add warm water to taste. For best results, You may add pure honey, but do not add sugar. How this is done when your stomach is still in a State of blank.

While in the evening, exactly 2 hours after a meal, mix the juice of 3 to 4 pieces of lemon with warm water. You can also add honey to reduce the sour taste. However it should be noted that the maximum hours dinner hours is 18:00. After that, try don't eat fatty foods or berkarbohidrat. If you are hungry, eat enough snacks to taste only.

How can this be done for 2 weeks on a regular basis to get maximum results. In addition, you should also regularly exercise during diet program inside with lime so that the health condition of the body stay awake.

The content of nutrients in Lime
The main reason fulfilling diet program with lemon proved to be very powerful in burning fat is a nutrient content in it. The role of vitamin C in here is very important because it can combat the saturated fat levels in your body.

Regarding the content of the complete nutrition in lemon, at least at each lime with a diameter of 3 to 6 cm contain 30 mg of vitamin c. vitamin C Amount has been able to fullfill the needs of body vitamin C to as much as 30%. In addition, vitamin C is also easily dissolves in the body and will be expelled through the urine. Not only is effective in carrying out the program of diet, vitamin C in lemons also functions in the growth of the body, especially to repair cells and tissues throughout the body that suffered damage.

In addition to vitamin C, in 100 gram lemon, there are many other nutritional content. Among them are the following:

Vitamin B1 – 0.04 mg
Carbohydrates – 11.4 grams
Proteins – 0.9 grams
Fat – 0.2 grams
Minerals – 0.5 grams
Iron – 0.4 grams
Ascorbic acid – 49 mg
Calcium – 33 grams
Phosphorus – 23 mg
Water – 89 grams
In addition to some nutritional above, lemon still has a lot of natural chemical compounds once such as citric acid, lemon acid, iron, amino acids, etc. This is what makes excellent use of lemon to diet. All the content in addition to functioning combat evil fat, burn fat, it also helps keep your immune system.

The benefits of lime juice in weight loss
After learning how to diet with lemon as well as any nutrients content in it, then you should also find out about the benefits of lime juice to lose weight you are. Among them are the following:

Burn body fat
As a natural diet with lemon, the main benefit of course owned by the lime is to help the process of burning fat in the body. This is because the content of citric acid or citric acid which gives a sour fruits, including lemons, is an anti oxidant substances that can turn fat into energy. Fat accumulated in the body when not immediately processed will make weight gain.

In addition, vitamin C also took a role of its own as it can help the process of improving the metabolism of the body. The fat that a major factor that contributed to the weight must be eliminated: with the help of the contents of nutrients in the lime juice. However to get maximum results, you will also have to compensate with a workout.

Launch The Digestive System
Diet program made using lemon surely also faster in losing weight especially smoothly aided the digestive system. In the diet program, smooth digestive system will contribute greatly to food that goes in the body can digest properly. In addition, substances that are not needed by the body, such as fat and toxins, can also be disposed of.

As we know, the fat is not only instrumental in adding to the weight, but also one of the sources of the emergence of a variety of ailments. This is because the saturated fats that have piled up the content of harmful substances for the body.

As for the benefits of lime juice as a natural ingredient for diet is doing detoxification process. Its function is so that toxins in the body can be neutralized. This is because the content of anti oxidants which are quite high in lime so as to neutralize toxins and free radicals. (read also: some benefits of lemon you should know)

Keeping Blood Sugar Levels
How to diet with lemon for weight loss also proved effective as it can help the process of absorption of blood sugar that comes from the food that goes into the body. With the reduced absorption of blood sugar, then your stomach will more spared from hunger. This will make your appetite stay awake. The conditions of stable blood sugar will also lower the risk of developing diabetes.

So a little review about how to properly diet with lemon that you can do. The thing to remember is for running a diet program, you should also avoid fatty, greasy food, and foods rich in carbohydrates. May be useful.

How to know the Pregnancy with simple method

How to know the pregnancy was to be understood by every woman. Because pregnancy experienced by a woman is a gift given by God to him. To find out about the pregnancy, in fact there are various ways that can be done, even without using the test pack though. You can check the condition of the body whether pregnant or not with a simple method that will be reviewed on this occasion.

How To Know The Pregnancy Without Using The Test Pack
As we know, the test pack has indeed become one of the tools to make sure whether you are pregnant or not. But for most women, buying a test pack is rated too troublesome because basically signs of pregnancy can also be felt. To that end, here are some ways to know the pregnancy without using the test pack:

See the foam in Urine
The first way that you can do yourself at home is to look at the color of urine. You simply collect a urine or urine into a clear container or bottle. After that, leave on for 4 to 5 hours. Watch carefully the urine. When the clear-coloured and come up an awful lot of white foam on the top surface of the urine, then most likely you are pregnant. This test assessed fairly accurate.

Feel the signs of Pregnancy in General
Talking about the pregnancy, of course every woman will feel the signs of pregnancy such as late puberty, experiencing morning sickness or nausea, more sensitive to scents around, to an increase in weight. When you experience it, then it is certain that you are in the condition of pregnancy.

Method Of Testing Toothpaste
Some of you may still not so familiar with how a pregnancy knowing this one. Whereas in this way can also ascertain whether you are pregnant or not. The trick, take a few drops of urine or urine and place it in a container. After that, pour the toothpaste to taste into the container. Leave on for 30 minutes and see the result. When toothpaste turned into more frothy or blue positive, then you are pregnant.

The Sugar Test
Other natural methods that can be done is to test sugar. The trick is quite simple. You only need to collect urine in a container. After that, mix 3 tablespoons of sugar in it. Leave it on for approximately 1-2 hours. When the sugar is insoluble in urine, then it is likely you are pregnant.

Testing with Dandelion Flowers
Do you know the flowers of dandelion? The flowers on this one very easily found mainly in the area of rice fields. Uniquely, the dandelion flowers can also be used as a tool to test for pregnancy. The trick, take some to the dandelion. Afterwards, soak the dandelions in the urine which had been collected in a container. Wait for a few minutes. When later changing colors on the flower, which was originally white to red, then it becomes a positive indication that you are pregnant.

Testing with Vinegar and Tuna
How to know the next pregnancy with vinegar and meat of tuna fish. How do you do? First, collect urine water in a bowl or other container. Second, take the meat to taste and mashed tuna until smooth.

The third step, combine tuna fish meat as well as collision liquid vinegar. But make sure the number of collisions and tuna have the same amount of vinegar. Wait for 20 minutes. If all of the mixture changes color to green, then mark Your positive pregnant. Whereas in its color changed to yellow or orange stick, then the result is negative.

That's some way of knowing the pregnancy with methods that are very easy to do, even in the House though. Although the result of the method above is quite accurate, but it would be nice if you continue to consult to my doctor to get a more precise diagnosis. (read also: know the different ways to calculate gestational age which is easy)

Step know the Pregnancy with Physical Signs Noticed
If the steps above is a step in testing pregnancy with mixed results seeing some food with urine, then other ways that can be done to know pregnancy is noted physical condition you feel. Most pregnant women will experience some changes in physical conditions such as:

BREAST MILK, the only heat in the proper Remedy for babies

It turns out the heat in can not only experienced by adult lho! Any baby can experience a variety of symptoms in the heat and will make it fussy. As does occur in adults, the main factors cause the onset of heat in infants is a lack of oral hygiene and good nutrition the mother or the baby is eating.

The following will explain some of the symptoms of the baby signs experience heartburn, ASI as a medicine in the best and hot tips healthy baby MPASI awarding for digestion. Happy reading!

Know the symptoms of heat in the Signs in infants
Heat in infants is pretty easy to be known and understood. The term heat in hot conditions when there arises from the body of the baby which then manifested by the appearance of mouth ulcers, flatulence, diarrhea or constipation as well as various problems in the baby's digestive tract. There is no medical term for heat in the symptoms that occur in infants.

The channel is where the entry of a variety of cerna foreign substance into the body. So keep your digestive health is one of the keys to preventing the onset of various diseases. The digestive tract is the most important organ should be kept if you do not wish the occurrence of heat in your baby.

You need to know also that the health of the digestive tract is also influenced by the content of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract. In infants who consumed BREAST MILK exclusively, pencernaannya channel will be dominated by good bacteria called Lactobacillus and Bifidobakteria.

Different case with infants given formula milk. In the digestive tract of infants who were given formula milk will have more bacterial pathogen (disease-causing) such as e. colli, Clostridium or Staphylococcus. An imbalance of bacteria in the ducts of the baby is also one of the founders of the occurrence of heat in.

The following explanation of the details of some sign of heat in on baby, based on the anatomy of the digestive tract: baby

The baby's mouth and throat area
In infants who experience heat in, on the area of the lips and mouth will seem broken lips and mouth ulcers – broke. In addition it would seem also the white patches on the tongue of the baby. Thrush is also known by the medical term stomatitis. Can occur in the area of the inside of the mouth, including the tongue, gums, throat even sky ceiling. The baby will cry and often cranky because of pain and discomfort due to canker sores.

In addition to the canker sores and chapped lips chapped, not infrequently bad breath can occur in infants who experience heat in. This happens because the baby's stomach acid content increased. Coughing can also occur in infants who experience heat in.

This can be caused because the baby is dehydrated or less liquid, as well as an indication if himself allergic to infant formula that you provide. Or can occur when not given BREAST MILK or infant formula fits his needs. If this is sustained, the child can fall on weakness and malnutrition conditions that can be life threatening.

The stomach and Anus Babies
Infants who experience heat in may experience bloating. Her belly rigid and cried continuously. Besides digestive disorders like diarrhea or constipation may occur.

Heat in infants can occur due to various reasons. One less baby suckle at mother's, or getting a wrong formula intake causing allergies in infants. In addition, some infectious diseases also will show symptoms similar to the heat in. So, as a good parent you should more thoroughly and carefully against any conditions or changes experienced by your baby.

BREAST MILK As the best cure for heat in Infants
The baby is still under 6 months, does not need another food intake in addition to breast milk. ASI is a blessing from God given to you and your baby. It is very important to keep the number of permanent lot of BREAST MILK production and smoothly to your baby's needs when subjected to heat.

In 100 ml BREAST MILK there are deposits of 4.2 grams of fat, 15 mg sodium, 7.0 grams carbohydrates, 1.3 grams of protein and various vitamins and minerals are very good for the growth of the baby. When compared to cow's milk, BREAST MILK has the nutrient content and nutrients better than cow's milk.

Protein content of BREAST MILK is indeed less, but this little protein is a healthy protein and prevent the occurrence of overweight babies. Protein called whey contained more than casein. Types of proteins is also more easily absorbed by the baby's digestion. Lowering the risk of the occurrence of heartburn in babies.

About the fat content in breast milk, instead of the nasty fat contained in breast milk. -Unsaturated fats in breast milk, have benefits not only for the health of the digestive tract. But it also supports the growth of the infant's brain, making it a smart, clever child and free of all diseases including heat in.

Cow's milk or infant formulas also contain less vitamin C, D and A are compared with breast milk. Even though the heat in due to the lack of intake of various vitamins and minerals in this type of food intake of infants.

Carbohydrate content in breast milk berjeni oligosakarida. Stimulate the development of good bacteria in the digestive tract. It is this content which will also cause the absorption of nutrients and water in the colon the baby get better. The symptoms of heat in such as diarrhea or constipation will rarely occur in infants who consume BREAST MILK exclusively. The various symptoms of heat within will be reluctant to drop by if you give BREAST MILK in your baby.

MPASI accordingly to cope with the heat in on Baby
If your baby has entered over the age of 6 months, then breast feeding alone will not be enough to overcome the symptoms of heat it. The granting of the right and true MPASI will support the healing process the channel pencernaannya. The following tips in making the MPASI sesusai to cope with the heat in in your baby:

High Calorie High Protein (TKTP)
For infants who are experiencing symptoms of pain in the heat, it will need an additional intake of calories and proteins for healing processes. Provide various types of carbohydrates as well as foods high protein content.

Avoid giving of bread and corn because that is too high in fiber content contained at breads and corn. For a source of animal protein, poultry is more advisable than beef. As for the vegetable protein source, you can give a child who experienced the heat in the form of tofu or tempeh.

Low Fat Low Fiber
Children who experience heat in usually will undergo gastrointestinal disorders which will then be difficult for fiber and fat absorption by his bowels. Provide food that is low in fat and low in fiber with more cooking process using steamed, boiled and blend gently.

Another principle in making a baby with heat in the MPASI is by adding the type of foods that contain lots of fluids. Like fresh fruit juices and coconut water. Avoid the first feeding of too much use of spices in order not to make children's nausea and vomiting.

Keeping food safe and hygienic during the making of the food also became the principle in presenting MPASI as handling and medications for infants who experience heat in.

The case has presented information about the heat in infants, with a variety of symptoms, signs, the benefits of BREAST MILK and the making of the right as MPASI treatment and medication for the heat in the baby. Hope this article is helpful and good luck!

The easy way to make a fruit Salad for Dieters

Fruit salad is one type of food for a diet that is relatively easy to be created and combined them yourself at home. But making fruit equivalent corresponding to different nutritional completeness is certainly not easy. The following will be discussed some of the recipes and how to make a fruit salad for a simple diet and you can try at home. Let's start!

Easy recipes make the fruit Salad to Diet at home
Make a fruit salad to diet is not easy. Many things must be considered, especially in the selection of the type and content of the nutrients contained in the fruit. With a blend of fit, the body will still get the calories needed for activity. The Agency will remain healthy and you're ready to undergo any activity with the top condition.

A major key in choosing fruit for fruit salad diet is ripe fruit but not in condition will be foul. Avoid fruit that is also sold in the form of already truncated, since fruits tend to decompose more quickly than with the fruit intact. If necessary, perform checks on the skin of the fruit you are going to buy. Avoid bruised fruit peels or mottled appearance.

can use, among others the fruit of strawberries cut into 2 portions, kiwi fruit Peel Peel, wash and diced; Peel papaya fruit from Peel, clean the seeds and cut into small small (the size of dice); melon fruit is peeled from the Peel, wash and cut into approximately the size of dice.

You can also add the PEAR that's been washed his skin peeled and diced. As with mangoes and grapes. Mix all the fruit pieces into a medium-size Bowl for ready mixed with the salad dressings.

After a piece of fruit so you can keep in the fridge for a bit. While you make the sauce or a healthy salad dressings.

Prepare a sauce or a healthy Salad Dressings
Healthy salad dressing is still required for the needs for substances that cannot be satisfied by fruits. Such as milk as a source of calcium. You can choose low-fat milk or soy milk and almond milk as a substitute for cow's milk.

To make salad dressing the healthier to prepare a cheese grater to taste, 250 ml of fresh milk. As the sweet taste and calorie Adders add 1 spoon of granulated sugar. Prepare pula 6 tablespoons mayonnaise or yogurt if not available mayonnaise.

The first step to make a healthy fruit salad sauce: with a dissolve cornstarch with 3 tablespoons of liquid milk. Once dissolved, add the remaining liquid milk and sugar into a saucepan, Cook over low heat until thick and boiling. Mix well and then turn off the heat.

Then add 6 spoons of mayonnaise or plain yogurt into a sauce. Wait for it to cool. You can move into the bottle to be stored in the refrigerator. This sauce can survive for one week in the refrigerator.

Mix the Fruit Pieces with Dressing/Sauce that has been created
After approximately 10 – 15 minute fruit sauces and stored in the refrigerator. Fruit and sauce will become more cold and fresh for consumption. Combine just directly sauce over pieces of fruit to taste. Add the mint leaves and grated cheese on top of the fruit pieces to enhance your appearance. Fruit salad for a healthy diet are ready for you to enjoy alone or with your family.

Various benefits of fruit Salad for the body
Fruit salad is one of the recommended types of diet foods to be consumed by the world's nutrition experts. In the fruit salad contained a variety of vitamin and minerals needed by the body.

Consume fruit salad with regular can beautify the skin and hair. Because fruits contain a lot of antioxidan among others, vitamin C, E and A that prevents it from aging and cell damage due to free radicals and skin damaging sunlight. Fruit salad is also rich in fiber, so it will prevent you from onset of constipation or constipation.

Actually, just consume the fruit salad just for diet is less advisable. Because some important content that is needed by the body does not exist on a fruit salad.

An example is a protein substance. Protein is not found if you only consume fruit salad. When the protein is very needed as a source of amino acids for the body in the process maintaining health network, speed healing of wounds and repair the cells. amino acids in a protein is also very necessary for the process of transport of oxygen through the blood.

Protein deficiency when you live on a diet will be more detrimental to your body. The body will break down the proteins in the muscle. So he will lose muscle mass. In theory, lose muscle mass instead will be difficult for you to lose weight. As more and more muscle mass is lost, will the lower the calories burned.

Other substances like fat or healthy omega 3, calcium, vitamin B 12, vitamin D and zinc is that you don't get with just the consumption of fruits. Lack of calcium will cause you are at risk of experiencing the pengeroposan bone. Lack of healthy omega 3 fats is proven to cause someone easier to depression, and lose motivation to actively move.

Combine fruit salad with a variety of other food sources of protein such as meat, beans and wheat are more advisable. For example, you can add pieces of apples on top of boiled chicken meat, or fried salmon with unsalted butter.

Nuts nuts are also a great source of protein and fiber is good for your body while you live your healthy diet. It is very important for you to always consult with a nutritionist about the number of calories you need each day.

So brief information about how to make a fruit salad for a healthy diet. Choose fruits containing a lot of water as your healthy diet menu. Combine it with a vegetable and a protein source in order to be increasingly provided for nutrient content diet. Good luck and good luck with your healthy diet!

How to remove the tonsils with natural Herbal Ingredients

Talking about how to remove the tonsils, perhaps a lot of people who know that one way is through medical treatment. This is because the layout of the tonsils that sits at the base of the mouth so that it is more difficult to reach. However, for those of you who are afraid of undergoing surgery to remove the tonsils or lifting, there are some natural ways that can be performed to remove the tonsils with ease.

How to remove the tonsils with natural materials
For natural materials as a way of removing tonsils, you can easily find it. This is because some natural ingredients these are ingredients that are usually used in addition to the savory cuisine of the household. Curious? The following natural ingredients that you can use.

Lime and Whiting
Lime juice is the first ingredient that can help you cure tonsil ailments that you suffered. This is because the various contents in the lime can make the infection and inflammation of the tonsils can be reduced. As for the content of the useful is vitamin C.

To make the remedy tonsils from lime, you can mixing with whiting. Ways that you can do is squeeze 2 lemons and pour in a container. After that, combine lime juice, yield water with a whiting. Mix until evenly distributed and drink regularly for at least two to three times a week.

Leaves Of Loranthus
How to remove the tonsils is to utilize the leaves of loranthus. Loranthus leaves can be obtained at the mango tree or orange wedges. Leaves of loranthus is a plant that grows on in tree trunks.

As for how to make herb tonsils of natural medicine in the form of leaves of loranthus is you need to pound the leaves of loranthus until smooth. After that, the loranthus seduh collision leaves with hot water is roughly as much as 200 ml. Furthermore, strain and drink the water regularly.

Anyone who doubts the efficacy of natural ingredients as this one? Yes, Ginger is also known as natural ingredients that can relieve all symptoms of the disease that attacks the body. Warm nature given by Ginger in addition to relieve tonsil pain, can also remove tonsils when consumed regularly.

As for how to remove the tonsils with Ginger is prepare 2 segment ginger. Memarkan the ginger and seduh with boiling water. Wait until the somewhat cold and drink. However, let the water before drinking the decoction of ginger in the throat for a moment. For best results, you can mix the ginger stew water with pure honey.

Noni Fruit
Although famous as a fruit that has a less palatable, but the pace is believed to have many benefits for the health of the body, one of which was as a natural remedy removes the tonsils. As for how to remove the tonsils with noni fruit is prepare 1 – 2 ripe noni fruit. After that, squeeze and strain the water from the noni fruit. For best results, you can add honey in it.

Red Onion
The next natural ingredient is onions. As we know that onions have anti-inflammatory properties. In a sense the onion can help relieve inflammation and a sense of heat caused by tonsils in the throat. This proven way to tackle diseases of the tonsils which you suffered.

How, you need only Peel 1-2 cloves onion and stop eating raw and then swallow it. Tastes may indeed be uncomfortable but natural ingredients will help remove the tonsils. To remove the taste of onion, after swallowing, you can drink the water until the aroma and flavor of onion that is missing.

The Mangosteen Rind
Among the various fruit, mangosteen rind becomes one of a proven ingredient in addressing a wide array of diseases, including the tonsils. How to make it matter is relatively easy and can be done anywhere and anytime.

To overcome the tonsils with mangosteen, at least you have to set up 10 of the mangosteen skin that has been dried. After that, boiled with water to a boil. Let sit for a moment to cool. Use of water decoction of the bark of the mangosteen to gargle, and don't drink. Doing it this way in the morning and the late afternoon until my tonsils you derita deflated and lost.

At least that's some way of removing the tonsils with natural ingredients that are easy to come by. Things to keep in mind is the herb on top would be very effective to overcome illnesses tonsils that has not been so severe. If it turns out that tonsils you have already entered in the chronic level, so the only way to eliminate it is to go to the doctor and do a surgical removal of the tonsils.

The steps that need to be done to help the healing process Tonsillectomy

After knowing the natural ingredients that can heal the tonsils, you have to understand about other measures that can help the healing process tonsillectomy. Among them are the following:

The Consumption Of Healthy Foods
As a type of the disease that attacks the throat and mouth, sure the intake of nutrition and vitamins to foods should also be heeded. Therefore, for those of you who are suffering from the tonsils, it is strongly recommended to keep choosing a variety of foods that are rich in fiber, nutrients, and vitamins. Stay away from unhealthy foods such as junk food to the tonsils completely lost.

Enough rest
How to remove the tonsils with rest is enough. As we know that the body takes a break so that the body's endurance and stamina to stay up. It will also help diseases of tonsils that you suffered is not getting worse.

Do not Consume Food hot and spicy
Foods that are spicy and hot conditions will make sure the tonsils are getting worse. For that reason, you should avoid any kind of food that is spicy and hot. In addition, stay away from foods that also have a high fat content so that the healing process tonsillectomy can run smoothly.

Do Not Consume Ice
In addition to the food spicy and hot, the tonsils are also very sensitive to any kind of drink that is cold, which go into the body. This is the reason that causes sufferers tonsils are advised to stop consuming the ice up to the tonsils completely recovered.

Signs You Are Suffering From A Sore Tonsil
As with any other disease, the tonsils also have some signs or symptoms that will be felt by the sufferer. First, the sufferer will feel the pain in a part of the esophagus when swallowing food or drink. Second, sufferers often feel a headache especially after consuming food or drink that is cold, spicy, and hot. (read also: Beware the traits an inflamed tonsils following)

Third, on the conditions of the chronic phase of entering the tonsils, then the sufferer will experience a fever and an increase in body temperature that is drastic. Fourth, the emergence of a swelling in the neck area and raham. This is because there is a clear glands appear because the tonsil and it's going to be very sore when touched. And the fifth is the sound slowly will shrink as well as less obvious sounds. If you experienced some of these, we recommend that Your health condition checked immediately to the doctor. (read also: identify the cause of the tonsils the following to early prevention)

So a little review about how to remove the tonsils with natural ingredients that you can apply to relieve and prevent tonsil conditions became more severe. May be useful.

Lime for fertility therapy, these Steps and Tips to do it

Probably most of you haven't learned that lemon for fertility therapy became one of the steps you can take to quickly conceive. This has been done by many people who follow the pregnancy program. Because lime is believed to have as much useful content to help the process of pregnancy. No wonder if lime therapy often used specifically for women who want to get pregnant and not easy to miscarriage.

As we know that getting the children was the dream of the whole of the couples who have married. To this end, done a variety of ways so that each pair of family get children. One of the steps that can be done is to apply the lime juice therapy. Although it looks simple, but You should not underestimate this one therapy. Then how do I do a lime therapy? Rather than curious, check out the following reviews.

The steps Do Lime Therapy for health
For those of you who are still not familiar with lime therapy to help the process of fertility and pregnancy, there are several stages of steps that you can do. At least here are the steps.

Provide fresh lime juice 4 to 28 of fruit per day
After that, squeeze the lime juice in a container. Do not add any ingredients in the juice of the lemon. However if you could not withstand the taste sour on the juice of the lime juice, you can add pure honey.
Drinking the juice of the lime juice for 2 weeks in a row without a pause
As for the amount of the juice of the lime juice can be consumed on the first day was as much as 4. The second day for 8 pieces. Third day for 12 pieces. The fourth day as many as 16 pieces. The fifth day as many as 20 pieces. The sixth day as many as 24 pieces. And the seventh day as much as 28.
After seven days of consumption of lime, You still have to mengonsumsinya during the week. In the first week on the amount of water the juice of the lime juice should be consumed multiplied, then on the contrary, in the second week, the number is reduced. So on day eight of 28 water consumption of the juice of a lime. Ninth day as many as 24 fruits and continues to this day to as many as fourteen 4 pieces.
That measures the lime juice therapy proved to be very safe and can help the process of getting children. For best results, don't forget any consumption of the juice of the lime juice, always accompanied with prayers and religious trust according to each.

The other thing you need to know is when choosing lemons, do not select the size of the fruit that is too large. Why? This is because the amount of lime needed relatively much, so any small sized lemon is enough for consumption. In addition, before you start lemon for fertility therapy, you should try to consume the juice of 2 lemons in advance. The goal is to let the stomach can adapt and not surprised as long as you run this therapy.

Is It Safe To Consume Lemon Each Day?
After learning how much lemon juice should be consumed daily for 2 weeks, most of you are probably wondering if the lemon for fertility therapy is safe? The answer is perfectly safe as long as you look at the health conditions of your stomach.

In the sense that for those of you who have problems with stomach acid, these therapies should not be done when the stomach is still in a State of blank. Why? This is to prevent the problems of rising stomach acid that will make you nauseous even experiencing problems worse. If it turns out after making the lemon to fertility therapies you are having problems with the stomach, then we recommend that you stop for a moment and consult to my doctor to get a proper handling.

The benefits of lime juice to the process of getting Children
Although to date there has been no valid research that says that lemons are definitely can help get children, but at least the lemon has a variety of benefits for the body. This is because the lemons contain micro nutrient and vitamin-a very much.

Not only that, the lime also has the function of antioxidant, anti-bacterial, and can assist and improve blood pressure and blood vessels in the body. Logically, these functions that can help the process of pregnancy. With the consumption of lemons that have antioxidant functions, then the cardiovascular system in the body will also demonstrate its fixed. In doing so, the body will be more of a variety of disorders of the veins and pressure so as to prevent the occurrence of damage to blood vessels and decreasing function.

In addition, by doing the lemon for health therapies, then system body metabolism and blood circulation will participate improve. It's just that, you should also apply the healthy lifestyle such as offset by the consumption of fruits and fresh vegetables as well as not smoking and drinking beverages that contain alcohol or soda.

Other nutritious content in lemons was isofvalon. This content can resolve various problems related infertility. Isoflavones also serves to bind the estrogen receptors so as to provide health care in the woman's uterus.

Tips on Keeping Fertility for women and Get Children
Now You already know the benefits of lemons as well as how to do a lemon for fertility therapy. Another thing that should be noted is also about tips and the right steps in order for your fertility as a woman can remain awake. At least there are some tips that you can do. Among them are the following:

Never Smoke
As described above under the smoking is one of the activities that should be avoided for the sake of getting children and keeping fertility womb. This is because smoking has varying deposits of harmful substances to the body, whether both men and women. A woman who smokes about 10 – 20 cigarettes per day can suffer from menopause 2 years faster than normal women. Not just for women only, men who often smoked also can experience damage to sperm quality. (read also: a myriad of dangers to the health of our body)

Note The Weight
A less than ideal body weight can also affect fertility. This is because weight is too thin or too fat will cause a variety of diseases harmful to women, one of them is Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). The disease has become one of the causes of infertility for women.

Avoid Alcohol
In addition to smoking, alcohol also becomes a material that cannot be consumed, good for both men and women. A man who often consuming alcohol has the risk of decline in sperm quality. As for the women, then the likelihood of the condition of the uterus and fetus conceived can also be damaged and experience growth that is less healthy.

For Men, Try A ' Chill ' Reproductive Tool
As a reproductive tool, information on a man should have a lower temperature of about 1 to 2 degrees from the temperature of the body. For that reason, do not use panties that are too tight. In addition, before you start the reproduction activities, avoid taking a bath with hot water. (read also: here's the 7 types of foods so that you can get pregnant fast consumption)

To avoid Radiation from hazardous chemicals
As for the tips the last steps of getting children is by avoiding radiation effects from chemicals that are dangerous. When you work on a chemical company that has a risk of radiation on the body, we recommend that you do the examination to the doctor to get a proper handling.

So a little bit of reviews about lime for fertility therapy you should know. By doing a few of these tips, then you and your business partner in getting children have greater chances to succeed. May be useful.

How to Eliminate pain during Menstruation with ease

Almost every woman when entering puberty and adult life will feel the aches and pains of the stomach when her period or monthly guests come. Variety of ways done to alleviate menstrual pain that sometimes can be very disruptive of daily activity.

Even some women should be ditching school or work due to menstrual pain that is not overwhelming. Menstrual pain was its own trauma to women because it can disrupt and reduce the quality of the performance when school and work.

All-round Googleabout menstrual pain you need to know
Abdominal pain that is felt when menstruation is called also with dysmenorrhea. Symptoms of dysmenorrhea does not just create physical pain in the abdominal area only. But also on the area of the back and pelvis. This is caused because the process of contractions of the uterus to remove the lining of the uterus that wasn't fertilized by sperm. During the process of contraction, the body produces prostaglandins that hormones be the cause of the onset of pain.

Dysmenorrhea himself was divided into two types namely, primary and secondary. On the primary type of abdominal pain would be felt only on one to three of the first day of menstruation, without any other disease as the cause. As for the secondary dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain can be felt even more than 3 first day of menstruation until the menstrual cycle is complete. Some diseases are a cause of secondary dysmenorrhea is endometriosis, pelvic infections or the presence of fibroids (myoma) in the womb.

Painful menstruation generally occurs in the first year and the second after a woman reaching puberty and got her first menstruation. Pain will decrease with the increasing age, especially when a woman has felt pregnant and giving birth. Stress and anxiety can also be a trigger aches and stomach cramps while menstruating. Understand the various dietary restrictions when menstruation will help you know your menstrual googleabout all-round better.

Various ways to cope with painful menstruation
There are various ways of overcoming common menstrual yeri is exercised by a woman. Here are some summary of how to get rid of menstrual pain when you can perform.

Anti-inflammatory drugs painful menstruation
Some of the drugs-NSAIDS (Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs) such as mefinal and mefenamic acid can reduce the occurrence of pain due to menstruation or dysmenorrhea. These drugs work by suppressing prostaglandin hormone production. Please avoid using this medication if you have symptoms of gastritis or peptic ulcers.

Consultation with a doctor is also important before you plan on using one of the above mentioned remedies to overcome prolonged menstrual pain or secondary dysmenorrhea.

Sports aerobics and Yoga
Mild aerobic exercise such as swimming and walking are implemented with a proven routine can reduce menstrual pain. Gentle exercise will unleash a flow of blood towards the uterus. So the oxygen needed for the uterine muscles to contract when the menstruation can be obtained with a maximum and decreases the risk of cramps and pain occurs.

Yoga or other stretching relaxing sport you can do to reduce the occurrence of painful menstrual time. But avoid doing yoga and stretching movements are exaggerated at the time of menstruation. The sport can still be carried out when the time of menstruation. It's just that you need to reduce the dose of physical exercise or perform a sport gradually.

A study on European research terpublish Journal of Experimental Biology concerning the effects of aerobic exercise on 30 women proved that this type of aerobic exercise swimming for 8 weeks can reduce the menstrual pain, improves blood flow towards the uterus or womb. It also boosts endorphins which is a hormone of happiness. With 30 minutes of aerobic exercise each week can help you cope with the painful menstruation.

Hot Compresses
If you do not have a pouch that can instantly compress filled with hot water, you can use glass bottles or plastic bottle heat resistant. Wrap it with a towel and then rub the bottle wrapped in a towel that had been hot on the lower abdominal area and back.

Hot compresses will help open blood vessels in the uterus, so that facilitate blood flow and lowers the production of prostaglandins as a cause of menstrual pain. At this time also have available hotgel or hotpack can easily you get at the pharmacy or supermarket nearby. Use this to execute hotpack compress on the area of the abdomen and back with the same process i.e. with wraps by using a towel.

Do not use cold compresses to overcome painful menstruation, because cold compress will narrow your veins on the uterus. Lead to decreased oxygen flow of blood and cause the risk of cramps that will occur more frequently than the use of warm or hot compresses.

Reduce the consumption of high-Caffeine Drinks and foods high in Salt
Caffeine has on blood vessel vasoconstrictor. As with the cold compress, excess Caffeine consumption time menstruation will narrow your blood vessels leading to the uterus. Causes depletion of oxygen flow and cramping, pain will occur more frequently than women who do not consume caffeine.

The consumption of caffeine actually have benefits in reducing the occurrence of anxiety and mood swings or mood conditions up and down on the woman when the menstruation. This condition is often a problem for most women when menstrual period comes. Coffee and tea consumption one glass every morning can help you cope with mood swings and will save your social relationships with clients or friends one Office.

Foods high in salt will make the bloating and abdominal fluid tertumpuknya in the areas so as to make the discomfort especially during Your menstruation. Avoid fastfood and instant food during menstruation. Expand the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables will help Your body fitness.

No smoking and alcohol consumption
Various studies turned out to mention that with the smoke would suppress the production of prostaglandins in the body. The pain experienced when menstruation will be much reduced in women smokers compared to women who do not smoke. But in the long run, smoking thus triggers the appearance of cancer genes in the woman's uterus.

Alcohol effect conferring such as caffeine, will narrow the blood vessels leading to the uterus cause the oxygen intake on muscle while contracting. Cramps will occur more frequently in women who consume alcohol. Alcohol will also cause dehydration in your body.

Drink Lots Of Water
Keep your body properly hydrated can help reduce abdominal pain when menstruation. Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day especially when menstruation. In addition to abdominal pain, water will help reduce the feeling of bloating and discomfort in the stomach. On some women also typically will experience diarrhea at the time of menstrual pain. With the consumption of enough water will be avoiding dehydration on your body.

A lot of research on the relaxation therapy to cope with dysmenorrhea. Among other social interactions as well as relaxation therapy, music therapy has proven to be capable of lowering menstrual pain. There is a certain type of music and rhythms that you can use, among others, classical music, gamelan Java or other rhythmic music soft.

By listening to music or exercise the relaxation of social interactions, will increase the production of endorphins and suppress the production of prostaglandins that cause pain. Avoid activities that increase Your stress.

These have a variety of ways that you can reduce the occurrence of abdominal pain when menstruation. Maintain a balanced healthy food consumption as well as complete with fulfillment of sleep is another way in reducing stress can also be the cause of dismenorrhea. May be useful and good luck!